How I Spent My Summer Vacation by Daniel Jackson

Jul 14, 2008 09:48

 How I Spent My Summer Vacation by Daniel Jackson
Summary: Daniel's on leave, and tells his journal all about it. Sometimes I really just want to live off sugar and caffeine, stay in my underwear for days at a time, read for 24 hours straight and then sleep for the next 24.
Word Count: 20,500 (in three parts)
Disclaimer: Not mine; just playing.
Written For: chattycatsmeow
 Making the long distance relationship work while General Jack's in D.C. and Daniel's in Colorado. Can be down time/vacation. Restrictions: no BDSM/kink, character bashing.
Beta: Many thanks to green_grrl and jd_junkie, for their awesome powers of observation and all-round expertise on the love that is Jack/Daniel.
Notes: Humor, romance, Daniel first person POV, Season 10.

My hips surge up, wanting more of the slick wet heat of Jack's mouth. His tongue curls, presses, and I can't hold back....

genre:humor, season:10, rating:nc-17, author:starglyph, genre:romance, genre:established_relationship, ficathon_v, writtenfor:chattycatsmeow

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