Fic: Love Train

Jul 14, 2008 11:28

Title: Love Train
Author: Sid
Summary: Jack makes plans for a long weekend and Daniel’s totally, completely onboard with them.
Word Count: ~5,300
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing with them.
Written For: fiareynne
Prompt: 1. dorky Jack 2. downtime (between missions, or maybe a vacation)
Notes: Chapter headings are all YouTube links. They’ll open up in a separate window when you click on them, so you won’t be navigating away from the story. Enormous thanks to tejas and especially to jd_junkie, for some spiffy cheerleading, and smoochy beta kisses to the lovely magnavox_23.

at my journal

writtenfor:fiareynne, season:pre-8, author:sidlj, ficathon_v, genre:romance, rating:r, genre:first_time

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