Most of us have spent sooo much time together over the past few years. It is sad that in about 6 months we will be dispersing. I was wondering, what you are all planning on doing
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Shannon commenting
October 31 2004, 20:25:02 UTC
Jennie as you know I was thinking about possibly doing the whole department of defence thing too. I love being overseas and traveling around. It is such a great thing to do! I understand about it being scary because I went over to Belgium without knowing anyone, and it turned out great. There are always a lot of people our age on US bases because of the age in which most join the military system. My plans have kind of changed though from lst year. I am planning on staying in Eugene because of Matt now. I know that I do not have to, but since we have talked about getting married in a couple of years, that is what I want to do. I do not think that I could be away from him for a year. So I will be trying to get a full time teaching job in Eugene, wish me luck. I would go to the outskits like bethel cottage graove if I needed to in order to get a job, but would like to stay within lane county, and more specifically the 4j district. I am not sure how this will work out because the job market is quite tight down here for teachers because of other wanted to stay in the area that just finished with school too. I am trying to stay optomistic about it, and I guess that I will just have to wait and see what happens down the road.
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