Puppies, nine months

Oct 05, 2007 23:06

They're huge monsters now!  They were nine months old on September 28.  Here you go, Heidi!

Madeline - I think she's so beautiful.  She's the calmest, smartest puppy, too! Madeline just has good-natured written all over her.

Sturdy on the left and Sophia on the right. Sophia is getting more and more gray hair, which actually makes sense since Norwegian Elkhounds are generally black when they're born and they get their gray/tan fur as they get older. I thought it was normally a little ealier than this, but, then again, these are mixed so things wouldn't go "normally." ;D  Sturdy is mischievous - he's the one that'll watch for you to look away, then take your shoe and run off with it.  Sophia is the STUBBORN, hyperactive, goofy one.

This was one month old Madeline:

Jack went to the vet yesterday and he weighed 10 lbs 3 oz.  He's just a little shrimp, but he is the sweetest thing.  While Dr. Ward was giving him his shot, he looked around ever so slowly, but other than that he was so still and good.  Jack's teeth needed some attention, though, so he has an appointment this Thursday.  He has to be anesthetized.  :-(  Our vet is much cheaper than I think most I hear about from all of you - he said it would be approximately $55.  We don't have to do the blood check since he has been anesthetized before, but that would have only been another $25.

puppies, jack

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