Spayed and neutered

May 05, 2007 10:14

We picked up our puppies from the vet yesterday afternoon and they seemed close to their regular selves! I expected them to act pitiful and lay around, but nope. As soon as I lifted Madeline down from the cage, she started trying to drink the vet's mopwater, get into the food that was on a nearby shelf and just generally be nosy. :D They may be slightly more subdued than usual - none of the usual throwing themselves agains the chain link mesh of their kennel like crazed hyenas - but the casual observer would have no idea they'd just had surgery. We walked them around a bit when we got home so they could stretch their legs. They are SO cute! And now we don't have to worry about THEM ever having puppies!

Ethan and I had our appointment with the allergy doctor (and a lung/breathing check for Ethan) Thursday evening. Everything was good, he said just keep up status quo, basically. I'm now taking allergy shots every two weeks instead of once a week, which I'm glad about. Afterwards, we ate at Red Lobster (Ethan's choice - he'd never been). I had grilled tilapia and broccoli and it was really good. Ethan had grilled salmon and shrimp and a baked potato and he was ecstatic in his praise of each item. I think he'll want to go back. I had only eaten at Red Lobster one other time and I had had a fried platter that I wasn't too impressed with, so this was so much better. After dinner, we stopped by Joseph Beth to reserve our copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! :D (Probably need to cancel that Amazon preorder.) We also took a quick trip to the mall for some flip flops and a couple of shirts for Ethan. His flip flops are so cute -
If I wore flip flops, I'd buy some for me, but I'm not a fan.

We may see Spiderman 3 today, but we haven't decided for sure. I really don't want to go anywhere. Tomorrow, my cousin Heather is a having a little birthday get together. And there's a mountain of laundry, as ever. I need to go work on that. :D

puppies, me, food, ethan

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