Jun 02, 2008 11:59
So while I was cleaning through some text messages on my phone, there were a few with stories that made me smile and while I don't have room there, I find it good to use my journal to log some of these. While some are somewhat humorous or humorous stories, I'll cut them so you can skip right over these.
While we were in Chicago for the wedding , my mom was thinking about a birthday plan we've been putting in action for my dad's 50th birthday this year. She chose to text message me since I'd just messaged her that we had gotten into town and unpacked safely. I was reading directions that had been sent via txt when I got her message, to which I read and replied quickly so I could keep moving and find the friends that I was lagging behind. No sooner do I find the group does my phone begin ringing in my hand. To my surprise it was my mom. "I spent 15 minutes tapping out a text message and within 30 seconds you reply 'ok that sounds fine'?? Just that, that quick and it took me so long? That's so not fair." My mom cracks me up.
Trent and I were chatting about a baseball game and the new players that were being brought up and shuffled in and out of the daily line up. I was pointing out that the current go-to guy was doing pretty well. Trent determined that he liked the outfielder brought in to start the season for the injured Granderson, a one Michael Clete Thomas. Clete Thomas is a very fresh faced kid that did in fact, do well when he was up here until Curtis' hand was better. So while we were bantering about the benefits of Clete rather than Matt Joyce, Trent had this little gem: "True. The only reason I like Clete better is the name. He had the choice of Mike or Clete and went with Clete. If that's not confidence, I don't know what is." True. and amusing.
Another notable text comes from Granderson's first game back. I worked until 8pm that night and it was a 7:05 start to the game. As usual, I had the game up on my laptop, being able to watch gameday box scores on various sporting websites. This particular text message, very simply came at 7:22, and stated very suscinctly, "Granderson at the plate". I really really love a boy that lets me know that my favorite player is off the injury list and playing again.
Finally, friday I'd sent Trent a message saying that I was going to go crazy with all the preparations for my friend's wedding shower on saturday and all the other things that went along with it. He messaged me back. "Don't go crazy baby. I like you sane." To which I laughed. And promptly responded, that he picked the wrong girl if he liked sane. I'm rarely sane.