Well I've resisted from over-posting pics of the gorgeous, furry pair but figured it was about time I did. Realising how quickly they grow up, I've made sure that we're taking lots of pictures to remind ourselves how small they really were once upon a time... They've been with us for almost 5 months now and my how they've grown! Since being desexed, they've developed the ability to sleep for 3-4 hours at a time. I know cats sleep a lot but COME ON! Thank heavens for small blessings I guess - for every minute they're asleep, it's one minute they're not getting locked in cupboards or climbing flyscreen doors...
One good friend, Garth, has dubbed them Lady D and Master Samson - which actually suits them rather well. Particularly her - she's a right "lady".
Lady D:Christmas Eve snooze Master Samson: more lying around and snoozing
Samson & Delilah: and even MORE snoozing! Delilah: "You want something?"