Title: "Because of You I'm Breaking" [Chapter 13]
Author: JCapzona
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Disclaimer: All television shows and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings ext. are the properties of their respective owners. This work is non-profit and simply written for fun. Reference to
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yes callie had her fun with sloan, but it's SLOAN. I say it doesn't count. even if he is freaking Mcsteamy.
I like my display picture too, her sex hair is the sexiest ;)
"Great. Just what I need. A closer view of her legs"
I could totally picture her sexy legs, damn. freaking Nadia.
&& then Nadia with her "“Well…that can be arranged...”" gosh, that is super sexy how she whispers that, totally took me back to Bette<3
and for some reason i see A LOT of myself in Joanne.
maybe cause were both brunette? idk?
But when she was freaking out in the car. lol that's totally me. :)
&& AZ hitting Nadia in the face, priceless.
So proud of AZ for standing up for her girl!
last but not least,
Callie falls, and AZ to the rescue!
if that doesn't say it I don't know what will,
Az+ Callie= MFEO!!
As for the Nadia "well...that can be arranged" totally inspired by that scene with Bette. Originally I just youtubed that scene so that I could describe Nadia's appearance and I guess she exudes her Nadia-ness, but then she said that line which just floored it with me~ so yeah. had to throw it in!
Haha Joanne is the best, she's easily becoming my favourite character here, she's loving and perky and cute and she's fighting for Arizona but she also understands that sometimes when it's gone it's gone. You gotta respect that.
Agreeeeed. Calzona = MFEO!
you have AZ speeding like a maniac. Nadia, simply being Nadia and freaking Callie falling off the Big ol' Violin.
lol I'm liking Joanne too :)
thanks to you, of course.
thank you for distracting me :sigh:
you are wonderful! <3
& In AZ's defense, she had it under control the whole time...lol.
Thanks for distracting me as well, with the AZ sex hair dp LOL.
or..whatever it's called...lol
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