MY TATTOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apr 09, 2013 20:19

Ok, so I actually did it and got the ultimate homage to my fandom... The anti-possession tattoo, right where the boys have it!!!  The only thing I did differently is, I had the guy write Winchester underneath in script and I think it came out AWESOME!!!!!   I am so very, very happy with it.  It is my first tattoo ever and the tattoo artist was kind of impressed that I went for such a big one right out of the gate, but hell, go big or go the fuck home!!  I'm still fucking psyched that I have it and I just love the way it looks.  It didn't hurt as much as I thought it was going to and I just kept telling myself how I was "always happy to bleed for the Winchesters."  As the guy was doing it, I just kept looking at it coming to life on my chest and smiling, I just couldn't stop smiling!!  (Yeah, I've got it really, really super bad!) Now, I've only had it for a couple of days, so we'll see how much I still love it next week when it itches the fuck out of me!!  I'm going to try to attach some pics, but I am so computer illiterate sometimes that I usually can't figure shit like that out so it may take me a while.

But, shit, you know what this means??  This means the next step is to show the tat to Jared and Jensen!!  Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!

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