
Apr 07, 2013 16:14

It has come to my attention that I have never posted anything on my LJ account and by never having done so I may come across as a stalker or something.

I am not a stalker, although there are some blogs that I may stalk because I love their writing style or their talent, but that is completely complementary and only because I am enjoying reading their posts not because I'm creepy or anything.

So, I figured I would start out by posting a little bit about myself for anyone who cares enough to come over to my boring blog and read this post. So here goes, enjoy!!

It all started when I came upon LJ when I was looking for more things related to the most awesome show ever created: Supernatural!!!!!!! I came across the show when I was down with an illness and had time to watch 6 full seasons of hour long episodes in late July/early August of 2012. Thank you, Netflixs!! After just a few episodes I was completely hooked and now I'm a HUGE fan who can quote and answer most trivia questions about any episodes because I've watched them all too many times to count and NEVER get tired of them.

I think Supernatural is the greatest television show ever made, and I just love all the attention to detail and love that goes into making every single episode. And, yes, most of the time the episodes hurt, or we disagree with what happens, but our personal opinions aside, the show is always awesomely put together with the greatest attention to detail. But, I digress. What I wanted to say is that I have been here on LJ for a while now and quickly found myself drawn to the wincest and J2 fanfics because duh, those men are fucking HOT!!! From there I found I really loved the BDSM and kink fics with J2. I was reading stories before I had an LJ account and was amazed at the talent I found there and wanted to leave comments expressing my enjoyment of the fics. That is why I started my LJ account. To let the extraordinarily brave and talented writers on LJ know just how much I enjoyed reading their work and how much I appreciated them sharing their talent with the rest of us.

A few weeks after I started my LJ, I found the blog of a very talented writer, jjia912. I couldn't get enough of her fics!! One of the stories she had posted had some grammatical errors in it and someone had commented that perhaps she needed a beta to look over her work. After looking up what the fuck a beta was and since I have always been a stickler grammar and good at proof reading, I responded to jjia912 that if she needed a beta, I would gladly give it a go.

Well, jjia912 gave me that chance and I haven't looked back since. I am now her full time beta and I am honored and prelidged to be her beta since she is not only a wonderfully awesome writer of some of the hottest and most compelling J2 fics out there, but she is a great person who has also become my best friend and has even traveled thousands of miles to visit with me.

So if you want to read some really HOT fics I suggest anything and everything jjia912 has written, check out her blog, but read the warnings because, after all, she is a kink writer!!

Ok, so that is a little bit about me. If you ever feel the need to contact me about anything, go for it because I promise I won't bite unless you are Jared Padalecki or Jensen Ackles or if you're into that kind of thing and I find you cute enough to sink my teeth into!!!


P. S. Wish me luck, cause I'm gonna get the anti-possession tattoo in the next couple of weeks right over my heart!!!! I can't wait!!! So very excited!!!!

livejournal, welcome

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