I was sooooooo happy that I could actually watch this episode at home. :D Great way to start the week!
House Episode 5-15: Unfaithful
- hmmm, this priest is just a bit jaded, huh? that's where he lives? sad.
- YAY!!! Cuddy! I love that she asks him to attend. She wants him there so badly; she tries to bribe him with alcohol and then she basically begs.
- "I admit that I'm too busy to care who you're screwing with." Nice.
- Hahaha - the cross in the corner of the white board. Uh oh. Job or relationship. Why is he doing this after he helped them last episode?
- "I have no choice. I'm part of the ceremony." "I thought you were already circumcised." Hahahaha. "I'm surprised she even invited you." "It *is* oddly flattering." What is House thinking now?
- Wow. He fired Foreman? Why? And why didn't Thirteen say anything?
- Ewwwwwwww! Toe falling off is so wrong!
- "Together, they're morons." Really? What does he mean? Because it clouded Foreman's judgement?
- Nice how House just slipped into the elevator. :) Hahahaha. House thinks Cuddy was using reverse psychology on him. "For better or worse you are a part of my life." (Wow, I cant' believe she used those words - the writers are really playing with us.) Awwwww.... LMAO! She really was trying to use reverse psychology on him!!! Hahahahahaha!
- Huh? Cuddy really isn't going to give Foreman a recommendation??? That seems really harsh. It doesn't have to be a glowing recommendation. Is House involved somehow? Or did he do this because he KNEW how she would have to react? What is House up to?
- And now House is letting Thirteen not do any work?
- House really isn't interested in the medicine here. The way he smiles at the patient's rant... Hey, why isn't House wearing lead?
- Could Wilson be any more obvious that he's doing this because Cuddy asked him to? Hahaha. House is going to let Cuddy think she's won? Meaning that he *is* going to show up?
- "Office romances are a bad idea." Hahaha, Chase.
- Hahahahaha! Taub's face as he figures out the Duran Duran metaphor.
- Hmmm. Guess this is why House is messing with Foreteen. Just to see what would happen. Thirteen sacrificing her job without telling Foreman. Both of them trying to sacrifice but not involving the other in the decision.
- "I detect a stink of left-over faith." "You wanna talk hypocrisy, what about you? You act like you don't care about anyone, but here you are saving lives." "Solving puzzles. Saving lives is just collateral damage." "I don't think you're looking for somebody to prove you right; I think you're looking for somebody to prove you wrong, to give you hope. You wanna believe, don't you?" And then House leaves. Guess that hit the mark, a little, huh?
- So, Cuddy confesses that she doesn't really want him there, House agrees not to go ... and she looks so disappointed. She really wants him to come, but she doesn't want him to know that she wants him to come.
- Love how House is hanging out with this patient. Hahahaha! "So, you really have a thing for your boss?" "I have a thing for my boss's thing." See, House, even the POTW can see it. I love when outsiders comment on the Huddy.
- Oh. Immune deficiency? Really?
- Of course House knew Foreman would react this way.
- "Everyone's a hypocrite. Why are you suddenly so obessed with Cuddy's particular brand?" Yes, Wilson, House does want to go. "This is ridiculous. You two deserve each other." Hahahaha! This mind games thing is getting complicated. And I love Wilson. :)
- How did Taub find this kid?
- This episode is full of mind games. I'm a bit confused. So, now Foreman and Thirteen each think the other just needed to control the situation? And it's over? And, yes, Foreman is an idiot.
- Oooo, Thirteen/Foreman tension. House is such an ass for enjoying this. "Conflict breeds creativity."
- What's the kid sorry for? He really lied?
- Oh, wow. Wilson is trying to enable House: to give him a reason to not feel like a hypocrite in going to Rachel's ceremony. Because he knows House really wants to go ... but doesn't want anyone to know that he wants to go. They really are a pair.
- "Everything that happened to you can me rationally explained." "I know... it's just a lot of coincidences."
- What is this? Cuddy confiding in Cameron? Please don't tell me this is going to be a habit.
- Awwwww. She waited for him. Cute comment about her sister (that he knows they don't really get along). Ask him!!! And she chickens out again. So sad.
- Oh. I know House isn't going to show up. (though that didn't stop me from hoping throughout the montage) Awwww, look how disappointed Cuddy is when it's not House at the door. And Wilson knows that she really, really wanted him there. But House is thinking of her and Rachel; I love that he's playing Jewish-sounding music. How sweet, for him. [Ok. Fanfics about a nighttime visit, anyone???] Oh, and I guess Fourteen is going to go undercover now?
- OMGOMGOMGOMG!!! I just rewatched the ep with my friend with the subtitles and the song House plays at the end is by Hugh Laurie and entitled "Cuddy's Serenade"!!!!!!
- They are really pulling out the oddities, hmm? I wish the cases were a little less dramatic, actually...
- House is hiding what? Um, WTH? When does running a code include twisting someone's nipples, Foreman? But worried Cuddy is always good to watch.
- Soooo. This was actually pretty complex. I love the total symmetry in House and Cuddy here. Sad and frustrating but sort of touching, too. They really, really belong together. I wonder, though, if either of them sees through the other ... or hopes that that is what the other is thinking. I mean, does House see that Cuddy really wants him to be there? Does Cuddy see that House really wants to be included? Or do they both deny those thoughts to themselves?
- And the House/POTW dynamic is interesting, too. It's been touched on before, but still.
- House playing with the Fourteen dynamic is just as Foreman said: he's watching rats in a maze. What's interesting is how Foreman and Thirteen handle this despite knowing that is what House is doing. They quickly stop communicating and begin acting on their own, making sacrifices without telling the other ... the exact same mistake that happened in the drug trial. Wonder if they finally learned something in the end?
- How cute was that Huddy moment by the front doors? I'm struck by these little moments they keep having lately: moments where they are simply comfortable with each other, where their friendship/the length of their relationship comes through. Moments that happen despite all the drama/banter/mind games/arguments/tension that we are used to seeing. That moment when House held Rachel was another example. Is it me, or are we seeing more of these moments recently? :)
I love all the Huddy and House/Wilson and OTP3 we're getting this season!!!!