Hi!!!! I know it's been FOREVER and I'm not really sure how to explain what happened. Nothing serious. Just kinda fell into a big black hole. Sorry! But I'm back and I do have a few things to share from while I was away. I'll get to those later this week because tonight was NEW EPISODE NIGHT!!!
Funny how out-of-practice I felt trying to type down my reactions/thoughts. But I was soooo happy just watching House and Cuddy on screen. (ok and Wilson and Amber ... and Kutner ... and Chase) I gotta run so here are my thoughts on Bones and House
Bones 3x12 - Baby in the Bough
- hahaha! Booth stunned at Bones's financial status. Makes sense, though, she's single, no kids, a big writer's contract...
- Wow! how did the baby get up there? Very cute! LOL, the breast line!
- hahaha! Angela: I want a million. Hodge: smile, then ... what did she mean by a million? 2?
- Awww, love how Bones is taking her role seriously. Buying clothes and toys. LOL, she "assumed" Booth would get the crying baby. Awwwwww. Look at her take the baby when she finds out the baby probably has no family left.
- Great exchange about Bones staying in the car: I'm not leaving you Booth. This is not about me, it's about the baby. Hahaha. A scene from the future? Hmm?
- Awww. Bones reassuring the baby that they will find answers. So cute how she uses "phalanges" to amuse Andy.
- Bones! The locket??!! The baby's chewing on it!
- LMAO!!! the breast-feeding conversation... Bones: Were you breast fed? I was.
- Awwww. She doesn't want to give up the baby.
- Cute to see Bones begin to play with the baby (even if it's when no one else is watching). Hahaha, her argument with Booth about baby talk.
- Awwww. Bones interrogating Cam about the pediatrician. She really cares for the baby.
- Whoa, Bones. Thought she was gonna choke the guy.
- Awww, Bones was teary when she handed over the baby.
- And Booth prodding about how Bones feels about children now. Awwww. And how he talked about visiting Andy and that "we" would come home to the giant plasma TV. Slip of the tongue, Booth? Just like the "our baby" comment earlier? So cute.
- Soooo. Bones isn't so adamant about "no kids". And Booth wants to know. Any special reason, Booth? Ha! All those BB baby fics I've been reading aren't so impossible anymore. :)
- And I *love* how comfortable they are around each other this year. Definitely a closer relationship.
House 4x13 - No More Mr. Nice Guy
- nurse's strike? that would be very disabling
- haha: (re: niceness) We gotta stop this before it spreads. And, hahaha! House calls 13, 31.
- bowling?? with Chase??? LOL!!! Chase's perfect form
- not one of 2 things guys do alone? Hmmm...
- LMAO!!! Negotiating for joint custody. Hilarious.
- Hahahaha! They came to Cuddy for a ruling (because Wilson is "too much of a wuss"). Cuddy's long-suffering face is hilarious! (really cute top, btw) And she uses this as leverage for making House do performance reviews for his team. Love it.
- William's Syndrome gives perfect pitch? What a strange symptom.
- Hahaha! Meeting for the play date: "It was my fault. I had to take a shower." "That was my fault." Hahaha. Too much info!
- Wow, Foreman's all serious about the performance review. Hahaha! 13 just dismisses him.
- Wow, Taub standing up to Foreman. And Kutner isn't paying attention.
- What is House doing with Wilson? Hahaha Wilson. "it" won't work.
- What the heck? Kutner?!!!! What of House's did he test? And why did he blurt that out in front of everyone????
- Hahaha! I'm multitasking. I'm also doing my taxes ... and Cuddy.
- OMG!!! Is it Amber? Or Wilson?
- WTH??????!!!!!! Why are they discussing this? Bringing Chase and Cameron into the conversation? Uh oh. Chase asked that? Of course Cameron won't answer. (guess this is how they break up on the show?) Yeesh. Privacy?
- Whoa. I'm confused. Is it really House's blood?
- Hahaha. "You're punishing Cuddy for hiring me?" "I like Cuddy ... I like parts of her."
- speaking of ... I want more Cuddy!!!!! Where is she???
- Kinda of funny. The ducklings think they "broke" House. Still angry that they are discussing him.
- Awww. Cute House telling Wilson about the joke on the ducklings and Wilson appreciates it. Hahaha.
- Wah??? How did Amber find out so fast? Is she spying on them? Or did Wilson really tell her?
- Awww. Kutner really cares about House. And really cool that he had the breakthrough.
- Yay! Cuddy!!! Nice dress. :) Hahaha. House's performance review. Definitely a grain of truth in there, though. Wonder what she thought. Can't quite describe that look she gave him. Love the playfulness afterwards about breaching the agreement. And Cuddy's punishment! LOL! "Code brown"s are terrible. I couldn't be a nurse/aide...
- So happy that it's back. And sad that it's only 3 more episodes. Wah! I can't believe how much I've missed them! :)
- Next week looks quite campy. And no Cuddy in the preview! Will probably be funny, though..