Bev tells the truth and people go nuts

Jan 22, 2005 15:28

There is nothing in the works that I am aware of. I wouldn't plan on one for the next couple of years, if ever. (Although that can all change according to what Justin decides.) It's great that they have such loyal fans, but I think the time has come to follow their solo projects. I was sad to see it end, especially the WAY it ended, but now I am looking forward to see what wonderful things Chris does next.


Please don't blame the guys from 'N Sync for the break-up. One person did that. The others wanted to stay together. And yes, they DO understand how many loyal fans they have. But what can they do?

All the attacks on Bev and smartass remarks don't change the facts. Must suck to know that the rabid Justin haters were right about the asshole all along, eh?
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