Apr 22, 2007 15:27
So a LJ friend had mentioned if anyone had time to listen/ or advice to go ahead and give her a call ( she gave a number)... well I know if someone is willin to give a number publically , even if its just for a certain amount of people, that they really do need a ear to talk to, a shoulder to lean on.
SOOOOO, I decided to call, I didnt block mynumber because I want to be straight forward that my intentions are pure...Im not a stalker...lol. Oh and that they can callback. I aint skeered!
However, I called , she was at work. I told her why I called , who I was. she was at work and busy. So I said call whenya can, I got an ear. She said probablly tomorrow..kewl
Now I kinda feel a bit stupid. Granted I do want to help out a fellow LJ'er. But I wonder how my callin was perceived because I am not on much, more of a blip here every so often. Lord knows I am not always leavin comments..but I do sometimes.
I just feel odd about it now...I wish I had called when she wasnt busy, then I wouldnt be here wonderin if she thinks I am a loony tune...lol