Finals are EATING my SOUL!

May 05, 2007 23:04

*flops over her keyboard*

Good god, today was a waste of time! Well, not entirely, but it was terribly inconvenient timing.

*sighs and stares at her books tiredly*

Well...on the upside, I finally got my hands on some red bean mochi. TT;

Okay...Atlantic fishermen!

Let's see what I know about them. On an economical level, I'd say of all the societies we studied, they're the most economically advantaged. Why, I dunno, they always have work and food? and are pretty close to modern society? ugh, I hate not being enthused by this. XD;

On the justice level, I'd say they' the middle?
Why? Hm...well for starters, the bastards have this idiotic prejudice against a group of "newcomers", mind you the newcomers have been living there for over a hundred years, or for 7 generations. It's not that much new from them. The reason they're pissed off at the newcomers is because of the newcomer's decendant (who really wasn't a newcomer, cuz his family had been living there for many generations too).

God damnit, why are these people so retarded! Far as I can tell, the thing they're disputing is the land the newcomers live on. Turns out the government never paid the newcomer's family for working at the lighthouse. So, what happens is that they settle and sell the land around the lighthouse to the newcomer for pennies. On the reason that they've tended to the land and so it really should belong to them.

Well, it's a lot of land apparently! The fishermen who had been living there for more generations wanted to buy or rent land from the newcomer's family, cuz they are on an island and the population has grown. So what does the newcomer do? he sells it and rents it for a WHOLE lot more money than he paid. The fishermen are pissed. How dare this doushbag whose family wasn't originally from there, try selling the land that they live on for such exorbant prices!

Thus the schism began. Both parties think they're were being taken advantage of. Now 7 generations later, these people still don't get along with eachother. ~_~; If someone from the fishermen people do something bad, (like the adult carpenter who likes to go skinnydipping with the preteen girls), they say, "oh, he's always been like that, we've known him since he was 14, he's just ill, that's all."


Or if the fishermen kids start grassfires around the lighthouse, "it's okay, because they're imitating their fathers who do something similar to the land during autumn (or something)." Mind you the lighthouse(newcomers) people are pretty pissed about the damage.

So really, the justice of the Atlantic fishermen is marked by who does what. If you're from the fisherman family, you won't get in serious trouble. But if you are from the newcomer's family, you'll be bound to see a lot of trouble, so try not to start anything.

Hm, so...*gets out notes*

According to Gluckman's theory..."The way people fight depends on their relationship." Moreover...there are two types of relationship: multiplex (people who interact in a variety of ways and cannot avoid each other. Their association will endure over time.) and simplex (people will not see this person again, they do not share a long history and deal with eachother on a single context)

Multiplex relationships will attempt to use arbitration and mediation techniques to solve a problem. This will result in a compromise.

Simplex relationships will use "self-help", withdrawal or adjudication, and the result will be either victory or defeat.

*scratching head* What the devil am I talking about now? Shit, no, Gluckman's theory is from past final. *sighs* nevermind. *tosses those notes behind her*

"Under what circumstances would you say 'that's not fair.'"

Resitution: ...oh, better check on that. I totally ignored that!

Even-handedness ("one rule for everyone"):...ah ha! There is very little even-handedness here. The atlantic fishermen excuse their own a lot more than they do the newcomers.

Motivation: the motivation...Well, they excused the pedophile by saying he's "..just ill." They excused the kids, cuz they're imitating the parents...what was that other case...? Hm, gotta check that too. Oh yeah, just remembered, they excused the pedophile cuz they need him. He's the only carpenter on the island, so he's the only one who they can go to for repairing their boats and equipment. *grumbles* stupid opportunist...

Process: Yup, gotta check that too. I don't recall anyone going to court except the ancestors of the newcomers and well, they won. *shrugs*

Conflict of Interest: er....well, yeah. Sorta? *scratching head* Damnit, why does it feel like I'm going in circles with this? TT;

Mercy: Right, well they showed A LOT of mercy towards the pedophile and the kids. The newcomers weren't too happy though...

Circumstances: *sighs* Again, I feel like I'm going in circles here...Damn thai tea for making me hyper earlier and now totally braindead.

Punishment: *blinks* this one's connected to mercy...but I don't recall anything regarding punishment in that article...*sighs* ugh.

That's it, I'm checking my e-mail. >_<;

Fear not folks, JB will fix this and have it make sense soon

Damn, I am SO taking that mexican history class next semester. Forget this shit! I don't give a damn what fishermen in northern europe nor shepards in Italy are doing! gaah! They certainly don't care what we're doing! aaaugh. *yanks on hair* I know this should matter and is educational, but the fact is...NO ONE GIVES A SHIT!

*sighs* okay, my narrow-minded brain will take a break now. I'll get back to this soon. T-T;

ha ha, on another note, I didn't realize this until now, but I sorta look like Kanee in my icon now, expression and all. LOL...*is wearing her bangs like this now...* XD XD XD

annoyed, grumbling, criminal justice, blabbering, essay, finals, studyweek, school

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