I wanted to post about the stuff I touched on earlier, and now I want to post about other stuff, and either way it's getting late and I'm tired and need to start turning my brain off rather than writing.
I had an interesting time at the sexuality classes today. Mostly it was stuff I already knew -- terms, types of sexuality, etc. It's the first of a four-week class, though, and the atmosphere was really nice. Even when people didn't agree, it was never judgmental or attacking. Just an exchange of ideas.
I think I got taken under the wing of one of two butch women there. *amused* She was awesome. She and her partner have been together for 19 years, and she spent the whole meeting knitting. I told her I was jealous, that she had something to do with her hands, and she smiled and said that she needed something to fidget with, that it actually helped her concentrate. It's something for me to think about, for next time. Maybe I'll bring a small sketchbook and a pen, and I can doodle. Keeping my hands busy does free my mind; it's why I color in the evenings while watching TV. I can focus without getting antsy.
There was another woman there that I looked at and went, "Ah! Femme!" though I don't know if that's really true or not. Still, it was nice to feel at home. Out of 20 or so people, just the four of us seemed to fall on butch/femme lines. I didn't know if I was recognized by the woman who took me under her wing or if it was a subconscious thing, but it made me feel better.
Then I got home and took the dogs running. It's the first clear and dry day we've had, where I can hitch the pups up to the scooter and go. They ran for SIX MILES, rather than their usual 1-2, and they were still going at a pretty good clip on the way home! Hopefully this'll wear them out for tomorrow, since it's supposed to rain again. >.< I made some business calls, and started calling around to find a chiropractor (back is unhappy again) and a dentist. I also got another email from Nick, which I wasn't expecting. :D I didn't get one yesterday, so I figured Nick was having a fun and busy weekend. Nick was, but I got emailed this evening anyway. :) We have a make-sure-the-other-person-isn't-crazy date for Wednesday, which I'm really looking forward to. This is the first person I've had email conversations with that I've looked forward to talking to after the first half dozen exchanges! I have some theories about this, which doubtlessly will end up on my femme blog. ;)
Supernatural also came out of hiatus! God, I love my show. :D Happy!Drugged!Sam! is freakin' HILARIOUS. Ahhh, boys. I want to read fic now. >.> But instead I'm going to watch another show and turn my mind off, hold the bird and color. See if I can't get to bed early tonight, so I can write tomorrow morning with
darksideofstorm (who I also talked to today! She's good! And she has a
butch blog that echos my femme blog, so go check it out. :D) and
nezukimo (who is still sick, but feeling better!). Woot. :)