Jan 24, 2010 13:11
Quickie post! I'm going to a class on sexuality in fifteen minutes, so I have that long to post and eat. >.<
But before I forgot about today's church stuff, I wanted to jot it down! They were talking today about integrity, and how you should always follow your conscience. And then they staged a voice of dissent. *laughs* A guy stood up from the back, already mic'ed, and protested because how do you know if you conscience is actually right? Sure, it obvious in some things -- don't hurt people -- but it's not so clear in other things. You can't say that everyone's conscience is always exactly right, because there are so many differing opinions.
So that guy up and he and Rev Geoff talked for a while, and finally agreed that you should listen to your conscience, but then also pay attention to the world around you, and what your actions will do. Is what your conscience telling you going to hurt someone? Even if it makes things better for you, does it cause harm to the greater majority of people? They went on about this, and hopefully I'll have a chance to expound later, but I knew that if I didn't jot it down now I'd never remember. ;-D
Now: off to eat, and then to the class! \o/