Oct 03, 2009 11:12
ok i realize i've been noticeably absent from the world of blogging lately and i'm sure that the 5 of you who even read this blog have completely given up on me so i'll probably be writing this to no one but myself but anyways....
life has a funny way of changing very quickly. one day i'm living the life of a lazy job-less sloth and the next i am working full time as a kindergarten teacher. you have to admit, God has a funny sense of humor, an almost cruel sense of humour actually. considering i remember swearing on a number of occasions that i would NEVER ever work in a kindergarten classroom. too much energy not enough teaching. i believe i even used the term 'babysitting' to describe the job. wooo, bad idea. i am paying for my ignorant comments. ha ha. but i had to take the job, i mean c'mon, it's full time, with benefits! even if it is (whisper) babysitting,
it's crazy, i literally got this job in 3 days and the really crazy part is that i wasn't even applying for it. i had sent my resume into Assumption school hoping to become a substitute teacher there. The principal called me back the next week (while i was in SF) and asked if i'd come in for an interview. I went in thursday and she sits me down and says, 'look, i was wondering if you'd be interested in becoming our kindergarten aide?' As you can imagine i was a bit...flummoxed. Um, i have my secondary school credential to teach history and you want me to be your kindergarten aide? Did you even read my resume? These are the thoughts running through my head. She goes on to explain that she knows it's not my preferred area (that's an understatement!) but she liked my resume and my catholicity (a new word i just made up) and thought i would be a good addition to the team. wow..a lot to chew on in one afternoon believe me.
but like i said..full time job. with benefits!
so they offered me the job on thursday, i accepted on friday, and started on monday. talk about a whirl-wind weekend! and now i am happily employed teaching 5 year olds. And i sincerely mean 'happily. I am having a blast so far. and sure i'm not really doing any teaching per se but it's fun and the kids are cute and i am apparently better at dealing with all the noise and chaos than i thought i would be (I guess living with my family all these years helped with that). I'll try to post more Tales from Kindergarten later, but for now i'm going to go enjoy my weekend off. oh weekends, how i've missed you!