My Summer Vacation

Sep 06, 2009 21:56

Since it's back to school for me, i really feel like i need to do one of those "what i did on my summer vacation.." reports. ahem....

I did a lot of fun and interesting things this summer. I got to go on lots of vacations, see lots of friends, and play a lot.

the end.

okay, just kidding i haven't been quite absent from the journaling world and i should give a better update then that (though if you don't have time to read the rest then that would be a good summary)

My summer was made up of lots of fun holidays, combined to make one of the most fun and relaxing summers i've ever had.

holiday #1 Garry's Visit
Garry got to come out and visit me for two weeks at the beginning of july. Not only was it great to show him around my home town and introduce him to my family (finally!), it was just wonderful to get to spend some quality time together. Having been together a year and a half i'm rather attached to this fellow so not seeing him for 2 months was incredibly hard (to say the least).  It was fun to play tourist in a city that i've lived in my whole life. and in a way, it was a great re-introduction to the place after being gone for a couple of years. We went to disnelyand (of course), universal studios (Garry's a movie-buff so that was a must do) and even went down to hollywood to see the walk of fame, which i hadn't done before so that was cool.  Then we got to have a few lovely days to ourselves down in san diego. I hadn't realized just how much i had missed that city. It almost felt like a second homecoming. it was trip down memory lane for sure-walking around the pristine USD (university of winners, still), taking a walk around mission beach and balboa park and getting to see good friends again.  so much fun!  but sadly Garry's trip was way too short. Even for only seeing him for two weeks i had gotten used to him being around and then to be separated again broke my heart again.

holiday #2 Jalama!!
I can't say enough about how excited i was to be going camping with the fam at jalama beach again! it's such a beautiful and peaceful place and i had missed it quite a lot when i was in ireland. it was so great to be back camping with the fam..sitting around the bonfire or taking walks along the beach. i loved reconnecting with my family there and just kicking it at the beach. plus it was nice to have a little sun to get rid of that pasty white colour my skin had taken on after being in ireland (and no, Laura, it wasn't just a lighter shade of brown; it was white!!). There is just something about camping, and camp food and sleeping in tents that has such a peaceful and fun vibe for me.  I especially enjoyed the nights of glow in the dark wrist bands. who knew you could have so much fun with them!! good times had by all.

and becaust 2 holidays in one summer is just not enough...

holiday #3 San Francisco!
since my sister Shannon turned 21 in august (yikes, they grow up so fast!!) we decided we needed to do something to celebrate. vegas, you say? nah..too obvious. we opted instead for san fran/"the city" for our roadtrip/party extravaganza. so me, mom and shan headed up north (a longer trip than expected because of evil traffic!) to meet up with shan's roommate catherine for some good times. it was fun to be back up there. i think san francisco has such a great vibe to it. it's really a unique place full of lots of hills which are just crazy high (i can attest to this because we ended up climbing one and i thought my lungs were going to give out!) we got to see all the main tourist hot spots like pier 39, fisherman's wharf, golden gate bridge, golden gate park, etc. My favorite day was when we headed out to sausilito and ate a picnic in the park overlooking the bay. so beautiful! the funniest part about the whole trip is that we reallly didn't drink that much at all. but i think for us, it was ok....we had fun nevertheless!

so absolutely wonderful and very relaxing summer.
guess that means it's time for school.
kindergarten, here i come....

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