Hurricane Ike and Recap of the Week

Sep 15, 2008 19:17

Here are some pictures I took during Hurricane Ike. This week has been really great and I never cease to be amazed that by the end of the day (no matter how exhausting or annoying or frustrating the day has been), I am still happy about what I did and I'm still excited to start again the next day!

I'm going to get to work on posting a recap of the main events that happened this week, but it may take a day or two to get it legible and coherent. Today was my day off, but I used it to work on health insurance paperwork, call the bank about my account, let Raz out, do some dairy clean-up in prep for tomorrow, call some family and friends (not as many as I would have liked, but I did get to talk to grandpa and Elicia), do some Christmas shopping at the 10,000 Villages Store (and learning how to check myself out, btw), go to class, and chase all 15 of the dry goats back into the pasture . . . twice. So I'm exhausted right now, even though I slept 8 hours last night and officially took the day off. I have a feeling that I will do what I have been doing for the past week . . . sleep like a log until 4:30am and then not be able to get back to sleep. In that case, I will wake up and start working on this journal! =D If not, may these pictures of Hurricane Ike and everything else that happened on Saturday suffice until I can get everything down in writing. >:D<

These are pictures of what happened on Saturday as Hurricane Ike rolled through Waco, TX!

The kids after Ike



The Steers After Ike

Sissor-tail Flycatcher


Preying Mantis

The Night After Ike

Flower by the Ed Building

Ok, so I'm not really going to do a recap of the week, lol =P. Nothing really exciting happened except that I'm still just learning the ropes of the place. I did take some more pictures which I will post asap though ;D

grandpa, raz, ike, kids, elicia

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