real life sucks major donkey balls

Jun 02, 2008 05:24

My mom's in the hospital.  She's gotta have triple bipass surgery because she had a minor heart attack last night.

I feel so useless and stupid and just broken because i don't know what to do and it scares the shit out of me.  I spent three and half hours at the hospital not taking any of it in because THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!  My mom is scared and she looked so small and scared in the hospital and I feel just useless and all I want to do is cry my eyes out and curl into a bawl and not have to put a stupid happy smile on my face because I don't want to add any stress to her right now.

But she's at the same fucking hospital my dad was in, on the same fucking floor I last remember visiting him on, with those same fucking smells and sounds and I hate it.  And it scares me. 

mom, real life

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