Is it ever not about the randomnese? Basically, me, nerding out.

May 21, 2008 07:29

OMG.  John Williams is a LIE!  A Damnable lie.  Why? (It is far too early to be rhyming) The man has used a variation of one song for four movies! For three different directors who never even noticed! Seriously.  I recently rebought the Indiana Jones series (having taped Raiders off of Sci-Fi and having an old VHS copy of Last Crusade, somehow I never ever saw Temple.  I thought I had, but it was Goonies memories.) and, knowing how much Spielberg and Lucas love Williams, I tried to hum the Star Wars theme.  But everytime I did, it turned into Indy.  And then I asked my mother, who hummed Star Trek and was of no use.  Then I thought I had it and it turned into Superman!  I finally resorted to digging out a mix CD I burned like a year ago that I knew had the theme on there, which led to listening to the whole thing.  Finally, there was a song that is basically guys singing quotes from the original trilogy.  AND YOU CAN HEAR THE THEMES TO SW, INDY, SUPERMAN, and at one point JAWS in there!  FTW?  How did the smart bastard get away with it?

Okay, but seriously, that is fucked up.

On other news.  *bounce* INDY 4 COMES OUT IN ONE DAY (or like 16 hours, if you go to a midnight viewing, which I will not be doing, damit) *deflated bounce*  Someone needs to go see this movie with me.  Like pronto.  My sister won't, my mother won't   and I am a damn slave to the red shirt - which is pissing me off.  They've got us on this stupid ass new policy where if we punch a minute late, the computer clocks us in as being truent or some shit.  Because I get a ride to work, I'm often on the list - my ride has this thing where she thinks she has more time to dick around with than she actually does (and as it is I have to take stupid days off so she can take classes) - my boss moved my punch time which was 5pm because that's when my ride gets done with work to 5:30, but they'll let me still punch at 5.  I can't tell her this, or I'll be getting there at six.  I can't take another hour cut, I'm barely pulling in 22 hours a week as it is.  So, because the bosses are supposed to fix my punches, I'm supposed to be good.  Except now I've got one day from last week marked as being absent because someone didn't fix my punch the same day.  They are driving me nuts!  And then last night they fucked around with the entire GM side of the store and sent us all home at 9, when we were scheduled till 10/11ish.  So I worked four hours and was home in time to watch the last twenty minutes of NCIS (which I didn't cuz we taped it).  And I bought National Treasure 2, which was pretty damn good, but I'm easy and I love Justin Bantha (sp?) aka Riley Poole.  But I wanted Diary of the Dead dammit, and we didn't have it (but we did have Day of the Dead, and if they pull it from the shelves before I can buy it on thursday I will probably cry.  Day is hella hard to find.  It's the only Romero Dead (other than Diary) flick that I don't have.  And I love me some Romero)

In case you're wondering, my phase having self is going like this: Treasure Hunters & Zombies for movies, Paranormal & Regencies for books, and Alien (Doctor Who variety) & Crime Solving (NCIS, Criminal Minds) for TV.  Music is, as it always is, a mix bag of whatever ya got.  Although, Leona Lewis and A Fine Frenzy are getting a lot of play.

My uncle finally tied the knot.  I got a wee bit drunk at the bacheolorette party on the 10th (four bars, five drinks and a crazy cousin bounce to Low that will live in infamy), got home at 4 after eating Taco Bell which is kinda awesome if you're a bit drunk, and then had to go to work at 9 am.  Yeah, I went to work a bit fuzzy and sleepy.  It was fun.  I even went with make-up on, and i never wear make-up to work.
The wedding was fun.  Because the ceremony was at noon and the reception wasn't until 6 pm, I got to do an outfit change.  It was cool.  I now own two little black dresses and a very cool hankerchief like blouse that was all the rage, plus a pair of pants that are two sizes smaller than my other pants and actually fit and look good.
I got to see my cousins Brian and Kevin who are like two and three years younger than me.  I haven't seen them since the last big family wedding because they live up north.  I talked to my little cousin at the bar!  Brian's twenty-one, and I cannot friken believe it.  My little cousin can drink legally!  (we were always thrown together at family functions, and we have pictures of us dancing at my sister's wedding almost sixteen years ago, it's so weird that he's finally taller than me and can drink. neither of us were legal at the last wedding)
My thirteen year old niece dragged me out on the dance floor for most of the fast songs including a slightly more sober reenactment of the Low dance the weekend before, and I stayed away from the slow ones - no one to really dance with.  Julie got crocked on seven or eight cranberry & vodkas.  And then the next morning we had to go to a family get together at my uncle's (the one who just got married) house before I had to go off to work.  My body hurt in places I didn't know I could hurt.

Then my niece had a dream about my dad.  He told her he loved her, and that he wanted her to tell us that he loved us.  She's been having a rough year, and it kinda freaked her out.  He died before she was born, but Julie had a dream before she knew she was pregnant with Sammie of Dad giving her a little baby girl.  It's fitting that she would dream about him.  And Renate, Mariah's (my brother-in-law's oldest daughter) three year old daughter, told her mom that Daddy Joe came to protect her when she was sleeping.  Her father's name is also Joe, so Mariah asked her if she meant her dad, and she said no, that he told her he used to watch over her aunt Seaira, Julie's oldest.  I like to think he is, because god knows those two girls need an angel or three looking out for them.

indy, family, john williams is a lie, work, wedding, fandom

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