sleepy with a side of awake

Apr 30, 2008 11:39

I know, it's like noon.  I should be awake.  But I have yet to be to sleep - thank god I don't have to work for until five.

Wrote some of the epic saga that is Nine's First Fallen Companion, aka Dawn Summers.
Tweaked art for both that and Victims of this Self-Same Tragedy, my Tin Man fic in the works/fanmix project for Azkadellia and Jeb Cain.
Touched up the Bitten Plum polish on my toes - which means I'm now officially rocking Gryffindor colors (red toes, gold fingers).  They were green as of two days ago, but work stress kicked them off.

So on the plan for the day: sleep, work, eat, repeat.  Maybe write or watch dvds (Evil Dead II again, or Clerks II or Evil Dead - if I get around to buying it at work tonight) or tvds (Torchwood series one, or maybe season two of Supernatural).

Okay, my download finished, so now I go sleepy bye.

fic updates, rl, work

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