Apr 02, 2007 06:25
So I've had an insanely busy month/set of weeks. Really. Last weekend there was the (former) Stripper shower on sunday and on Saturday I finally went and saw 300.
OMFG. I went for the half nekkid men and fell in love with the entire movie. Linny (who isn't big on war /blood/gore movies) and I just seriously loved it. We would even be willing to see it again (a phenom that has not been seen since Serenity). And the boys, the story, the sets, all were very awesome.
The Shower - sweet lord. I thought my aunts were going to kill each other or, you know just sit around in a useless, drunken stupor (and it was pretty close on both counts). Aunt J was pissed because the itsy-bitsy room was short a brides table, pissed about Aunt Do being late and forgetting her camera (she never leaves home without one) and getting a craptastic cake, Aunt P didn't pay her half of the room rental and basically sat like a lump for the whole thing, and Aunt De was just her normal moronic self. Plus Aunt J is just completely pissed about the wedding to begin with - so she was no where near her happy place. And my mom? Somehow my mom got dubbed the ringleader of this three-ring-circus shower. So she did most of the work because the others just couldn't manage it.
This weekend Linny & I went and saw Kathy Griffin again. Much better than the last time and we were giggling ourselves crazy during the Catholic-swearers bit (because we both are Catholic and we know that it's completely true). After the concert we weren't ready to go home, so we decided to see another movie - TMNT.
This is the part where I squee like TMNT fangirl that I am. The Turtles are my oldest fandom. I know the old cartoon theme song pretty good and I've seen the orignal Turtles movie about a million times. I <3 Donny, Leo, Mikey and Raph like nobody's business. Casey Jones and April O'Neill are the shit, and don't even get me started on the King of mutant Rats. *g* I think the obsessive fangirling kinda hindered my enjoyment of the movie. But only slightly - I still grinned like an idiot during pretty much the whole damn movie. It was PG, so it was aimed at kids obviously.
And Sarah Michelle Gellar was April! Hello, crashing of my two fav fandoms? And Chris Evans as Casey? And Patrick Stewart as the Big Bad? Fangirl freakin' heaven.
The bad - it was more like the Leo and Raph angst and 'tude off (which, let's face it, was majority of the multiple animated series', and previous movies). It took almost the whole movie just to see April in her yellow jumpsuit (something that is just iconic), and poor Donny got the least of the lines through the whole movie (that purple bandana wearing sarcastic genius has been my favorite turtle since the Corey Feldman era). No Shredder (he was scrunched off screen and prior to the movie). And apparently, April isn't a reporter anymore, but a antiquities dealer and cargo shipper (which I can kinda see, because in the original Turtles movie, she lived above her father's antique shop). And is it just me, or does anyone else want the poor single turtles to find love? (Raph had a hard crush on April back in the day, and the other turtles had smaller crushes on her).
Best Mikey line: Oh! He's in my nose! (sneeze) Now he's in my mouth! (slashier than it sounds when it's out of context).
The other's are blanking on me right now. Still, good popcorn flick.
Next weekend is Easter at my cousin Jenny's and the Christina concert on Monday with Cortiee and Linny. The weekend after that is the Stripper wedding and the week after that is finals. Oh joy.