Fic: Spell of Nature

Feb 11, 2007 04:08

Title: Roses Wilt
Author: Jmaria
Rating: FR-15
Disclaimer: JK owns them *treats them like crap*. I do own Spell of Nature and Maleficent Banningtide. Touch them, and diiiieee. Hehe.
Spoilers: Set post HBP
Words: 235
Summary: The roses never held much sway over her..
A/N: To
fran06, for participating in a little game over on my lj.

Roses wilt in time’s due course,
Through will and wont of nature’s force.
Beholden then, we are to she
Whose powers last through eternity
Speak not her name, nor hold her hand
She walks alone in her borrowed land.

~ Spell of Nature, Maleficent Banningtide

Roses weren’t her favorite flower. She’d had enough of roses in her youth. Black roses, blood-red roses. The Bulstrode estate had been littered with the ghastly bushes her great-grandmother had planted there. No, she had no affinity for roses. Proper witches with generations of Banningtide blood were supposed to adore the roses. Millicent half wished to find out that she hadn’t a drop of Banningtide blood in her. It would have made things simpler.

The bouquet of flowers sat in the crystal vase before her, their petals wilting from lack of care. She frowned, knowing that she should have given them more care. Another of her failings. She’d also cost the future generations of Banningtide and Bulstrode blood their proper domain.

She had no money, no home, little hope, and fewer prospects. Her entire collection of worldly possessions consisted of a few sets of clothing, a couple pairs of shoes, a small amount of money, her old schoolbooks, and the faux crystal vase filled with wildflowers. She glanced down at the paper calling card in her hands, her eyes fixed on the name on the card. What was she getting herself into? Letting herself be courted by a blood-traitor of a Weasley? Losing the ancestral estate? Living hand to mouth in a boarding home in Diagon Alley? A smirk crossed her lips as she read the card again. Her ancestors must rolling in their graves.

fic, pre-mercy, hp, millicent/percy

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