Torchwood, Family and possible fic

Feb 10, 2007 10:49

Ianto, you love-stricken fool.  I want to cuddle you so bad.  And cry for you, emo-boy.  You and Sammy.  My emo-boys.  *le sigh*  Now, why the hell do I want to write either Willow/Ianto (whom I almost never write because I can never get her voice right in my head) or Dawn/Ianto comfort fic?

Oh, my copy of Doctor Who series arrived today! Squee! Rose and Nine goodness (with a dash of yummy Capt. Jack and a smidge of Ten) Now I just have to go outside and get it.

I am so hopelessly addicted to the Whoverse it's not even funny.  I've been watching classic Who on youtube.  Barbara and Susan are meh, Ian is blah, and I am in serious like with the Sneaky!Doctor 1.  He reminds me of my grandpa, only he wasn't British.  He was sneaky on occasion, tho.

Now, I have to finish making my bed, air out my room a bit and tidy up.  Then get food, and hide my laptop.  My cousin's coming over to see if he can fix my PC and I haven't the heart to tell him that I already bought a new one.  He bought me the PC, and I don't want to hurt his feelings

whoverse, family, ianto, sneaky!one

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