From 12-13 to 1-11

Jan 11, 2007 10:51

So fun and exciting things happened to me over the course of a month - only not really.  The B-day and Christmas were lovely - I got 11 TVD's (I only bought two for myself and well after the holiday): The 4400 seasons to date, Angel season3, BSG season 2.5, CSI:NY season 2, Dark Angel season 2, Dead Like Me season 2, Joan of Arcadia season 2, Lost season 2 (hah, I can finally fiugre out what the frak happened at the end of the season to my poor losties), Smallville season one (which I've been meaning to buy myself, but the dratted store either never had it or it was sixty bucks), SPN season one (my Winchesters! le sigh!) and Surface (which was really getting good when they cancelled it.  Alas, NBC will have to have Heroes for at least four more seasons to heal my broken heart *vbG*)
Along with that I got a bottle of Vampire wine, four huggable Care Bears (all of whom were oddly girl bears), The Witches of Eastwick and West Side Story (<3), some Avon make-up that I'd been drooling over for months but was too broke to by, a hand held massager for my poor aching back, a LKH book and clearance DVD I picked out at work Christmas eve eve that my sister paid for, five cute new tops I adore, two much needed pairs of jeans, Evanescence's The Open Door.
Those all came from my lovely immediate family and/or my two BFF's for life.

From the other slackers in my life (Read: extendend family  and I'm just kidding, I really do love them all) besides hours of countless amusement and cherished memories - I got one complete outfit (jeans and a tank), a comfy hoodie, CD's from Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, The Killers, and the Cars soundtrack (I Love "Life is A Highway"), and a 512MB flash drive (from my awesome godfather/cousin).  Then came the great book debacle of  '06.  I asked for the last two books in the Series of Unfortunate Events (which, ironically for me were books 10 and 11).  I shouldn't have to defend my choice of literature (Seeing how enamoured I am of books such as the HP) - but I will.  I - with the literarlly thousands of books I have - lend them out on occasion to numerous friends and family members (and bitch-ass ex-suite mates who in turn steal the damn book they borrowed on a whim).  This helps out my oldest sister - who borrows the romance novels I got dirt cheap either at a used book store or the Library for ten cents - and two of her kids - who borrow from my extensive colloection of childhood classics and newer novels.  I had originally given away all of my SoUE books back around book five - to my niece - so over the summer I rebought books 1-9 in boxed sets - and Joelle got books 12 and 13 through her classroom orders (she can't use them in her classroom library for some reason, and she'd already paid for them, so she gave them to me).  So, I've been getting a few newer 'kiddie' books together for about a year - in hopes of getting my nieces and nephew to do better in their reading/English grades (which two of them were failing at one point last year).  It's worked like a charm - my nephew is hooked on the series I introduced him to, and my nieces have picked up the same books I read when I was their age.

Back to the main point of this rant - I like the books, so I asked for them, along with Alice in Wonderland, the new Nora Roberts series, and a few other books.  Come Christmas day - I had three copies of The Slippery Slope, and two copies of both the Grim Grotto and Alice in Wonderland.  Luckily, three of them had gift reciepts and the fourth returned book was only a dollar cheaper than the rest. So Jill came back with $46.60 - which she quickly spent  all but $18 of it on New Year's Day (getting Piers Anthony's Pet Peeve (Xanth # 31?), Mercedes Lackey's One Good Knight (adored it!), P.C. Cast's Divine by Choice (I haven't finished it, but I highly recommend it and the first novel Divine by Mistake) and Juliet Marillier's The Dark Mirror (clearanced hardcover) ).  Between work and school, there wasn't much of a break to be had.  I worked most nights, fixing up the ransacked toy department, getting annoyed in sporting goods and hardware, and learning how to catch tropical fish, hamsters, parakeets, hermit crabs, sharks, anf guinea pigs into various bags and boxes for cute little boys and girls, and some weird ass adults.  I saw exactly two movies over break - The Holiday and Night at the Museum - and really enjoyed them both.  Funny and not completely depressing at all.  I also bought the Covenant for the drool-worthyness of certain scenes.

Classes started last thursday, so books were first proirity - books that cost me most off the money in my checking account - so I is broke again.  Amazon got about a hundred or so of it (the professor condoned it and I saved an ass load of money on five of my books .... and a few litle side things, all used and the cheapest delivery a girl can get), while the school bookstore got about two+ of my money.  Ethics, Milton, Poetry, and Macro oh my!

I also have an outstanding IOU to my mom for the purchase of my loverly new laptop, which I will be grinning and bearing the exhausing work at Meijers this summer to pay every penny of the eight-hundred buck loan back to her.  My poor PC with my life's worth of ficcage is lost, so we are treading lightly with the new one.

And then things got interesting last weekend.  We (my mom, my two sisters and myself) went to Frankenmuth.  You don't know where this mystical Frankenmuth is?  Why the loverly city - famous for it's spectacular Chicken Dinners and Bronners the largest year-round internationally famous Christmas store - is located roughly two and a half hours out from Detroit.  Sorry, travel agent!J came out to play.  We only went for the dinner/buffet and bakery, then hit the Borders outlet and Starbucks at Birch run.  No serious heavy duty shopping - just thirty dollars worth of books for me (the new hardcover LKH, Twilight by Stephanie Meyer, and a book called Prophecy that was translated from French.

So all in all, I got enough books and videos and cds to last me through the end of next week - which is exactly when those new little side things should arrive along the the text books...yup, I'm goin' to hell.

Fic updates - 22 for 22 remaining requests are in the process of being written and 3 of the 12 Days of Christmas are done, a new installment of Support Stuctures just went up, and Four Shades Dean Hated was finished.

fic, dvds, christmas, tvds, books, life and times, 12 days of christmas

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