
Mar 27, 2007 23:02

This afternoon/evening after work I successfully completed a 21.58-mile run, having not done a long run over the weekend, although on Saturday I did walk to Belmont to see the Bethans, 3.77 miles each way, after a 4-mile run earlier in the day. Actually, this evening's workout was two runs, the first being the very same 14.06-miler all through Cambridge that I did last Monday except that it wasn't snowy and windy this time but clear and warm. Tonight I intended to complete the 20.56-miler that I had cut short that night because of the snow, but this time I was stymied by having to pee pretty bad for much of the time, so I repeated and made a pit stop at home - but this time, after having a chocolate chip bagel, I went back out and ran 7.52 miles more. After a stretch session on a bridge that happened to be exactly halfway through this piece, I felt pretty good and lengthened out my pace, and brought it in pretty strong, and then I had another bagel. I have had six bagels in the past 12 hours. For almost all of both runs I had Charles has a licking problem playing over and over again in my head.

With luck this run and a reasonable subsequent workout schedule will allow me to have a not particularly fast, but pleasant, marathon. That is the goal. It should be fun just to have the experience of running a Boston. I don't need to fret much over requalifying because I will probably be in class in St. Louis (this is probably where I will be going) when it is run next year and therefore I won't be able to run it anyway. Which is fine. Maybe I will be able to rationalize taking a year off from marathoning! That'd be fun.

running, marathon

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