Title: Classy Robins: Part II- The Odds
jbadgr Rating: G
Fandom: DC Comics
Characters: Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson
Part II in my classy Robins series! Slightly terrified they look like the Jonas Brothers
BAAAahaha! Dick's wearing a neckerchief! His outfit is a slight nod to all of his horrible fashion choices of the past :D
I love drawing Damian- and I figured if PROFESSIONAL COMIC BOOK ARTISTS do not need to draw him as a ten year old, then neither do I, a lowly graduate student. I also like drawing him a bit more like Mama Ghul <33
My sister is one hardcore Tim fan so I asked her her opinion on a classy Tim outfit and... so there's that...
Hope you like!! <33333
Part I: Classy Odds: Jason and Stephanie