Hello everyone!
It's that time of year again: Yes, it is time for the
Jonas Brothers Holiday Fic Exchange 2010! We're sorry for the delay, and we don't want to give you any excuses, so let's just get down to business. Welcome to authors/artists, new and old! We ask that you spread the word and invite your friends to participate so that the exchange can be even bigger and more wonderful this year. Of course, there are things that have be said; most importantly, the rules.
•Sign-Ups will start Wednesday, September 29th at 4pm PST. They will close Sunday, October 10th at 9pm PST (or when we reach 100 writers, whichever comes first). There is no cap on graphics makers/vid makers. This time around, there will be no late sign-ups.
•When you sign up, you are agreeing that you can write a fic, have it beta-read, and submitted to the mods by the deadline which will be determined as soon as possible. We are aiming for the second week of December, but it depends greatly on the number of participants who sign up.
•All fics must be at least 900 words in length and rated PG-13 or higher.
•Sign ups from journals less than 2 months old will not be accepted (unless you inform the mods of your situation). We want to make sure people that sign up can be reliable, and this is the best way to determine this. :]
•This community will include smut (erotic literature and art). That being said, warnings will be put on all material that contains graphic content. Viewer discretion is advised.
•All fics must be real person fiction involving real life people (no Lucas Brothers pairings, for example). In the submissions application, you will have the opportunity to list 3 pairings you would be willing to write, 3 pairings you would like to receive in your gift, and 3 pairings you will absolutely not write. Pairings can be male/male, female/female, or male/female. Your primary pairing must include two disney actors/Jonas'. Your other chosen pairings must include at least one Disney actor/actress or at least one Jonas Brother.
•When you list outside actors/actresses in your pairing, we will try to match you with other members who have listed those same outside actors/actresses. However, if it's an obscure pairing and/or no one else has listed that pairing, mods reserve the right to ask you to re-choose your pairings.
•We consider "Disney Actors/Actresses" to be the casts of all current Disney TV Shows and Movies (for example, the cast of Camp Rock/Camp Rock 2, and the cast of High School Musical).
•You may not choose who you complete a gift for. One of the mods will email your giftee's details as soon as possible. We are shooting for getting all prompts out by Wednesday, October 13th. More information to follow soon.
•Submissions will mean writers emailing their completed fics to the mods as a word or plaintext document attachment by the deadline. Fics will then be posted anonymously throughout the last few weeks of December. Reveals - with the names of all the authors attached to their fic so that they can get proper credit - will happen the first week of January TBA. After the reveals you can re-post your fic in other journals as well as cross-post your fic.
•The moderators will be looking over fic before they are posted to the community to make sure they meet the specs of the giftee. If fic was obviously not beta-ed or if a mod feels it needs to be looked over again, the fic will be sent back to the writer for revision.
• Again, in order to keep all gifts as a holiday surprise, please do not post your fic anywhere else on the Internet until after the names have been revealed. Keep it a secret; keep it fun. ;)
If you need a refresher, or if you are new, please be aware of the sign-up procedures. Here is a link to last year's guidelines and an example since nothing has changed but the dates:
GUIDELINES/EXAMPLE. As I've said, the sign-ups will begin next Wednesday, exactly a week from today. This is to give you enough time to contemplate whether or not you really want to commit to the exchange (we strongly encourage you to because it's fun for everyone ;]).
If you have any questions at all, please comment in this post. Within the next week, I or
impala_chick will post the template to make signups easier for everyone, as well as the actual signup post.
Finally, I am asking (okay, begging) for some assistance in making some promotional banners, as well as posting them everywhere. You don't have to be a graphic artist, and any help is absolutely appreciated. If you would prefer not to make a banner(s), please feel free to just promote the community in your personal journal, and in 'Disney star' communities. Thank you so much, and we look forward to the fun!