Above Us Only Sky - Joe/Nick PG-13

Aug 18, 2010 00:12

Fic Title: Above Us Only Sky
Author Name: lovehateapathy
Artist Name: clo_sama
Genre: RPF; Pre-slash/Gen
Pairing: Joe Jonas/Nick Jonas (Brief Nick/Demi Lovato)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 17,724
Warnings/Spoilers: Incestuous undertones, mentions of drug use, graphic description of war, discussion of the Kent State shootings, and strong anti-Vietnam War sentiment. (Potential spoilers listed on Master Post)
Summary: It’s the early fall of 1969 and while Nick Jonas is well aware of the seemingly never ending war that continues to rage on a world away from him, it’s not something he sees fit to concern himself with. When his brother receives a draft notice and is sent off to fight in Vietnam, Nick’s life is turned upside down. As he waits for Joe’s return, Nick finds that his priorities begin to shift. No longer content to fill his life with sports, dances, and the other trappings of suburban high school life, Nick finds meaning and solace when he joins the always burgeoning protest movement.
Link to fic: Here.
Link to art: Embedded in fic.
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