Tis the season to be...jolly?

Dec 11, 2011 15:27

I finally broke down and bought myself a kindle today. My partner heard my agonies about getting one since July1 and finally told me to quit moaning and get one. So I had to go and get my credit card2, and I did so. So I'm now the proud owner of a kindle. So, apart from amazon, any suggestions where I can go online to get books (I know the gutenberg project for example) would be nice. I'm looking forward to discovering new poems, to be honest. I want April to be poetry month.

Also, are there any forums for one to get to grips with the kindle (I have one with the 3G). I find the little manual doesn't even begin to answer the questions I have to ask3.

Another thing- I'm pretty much carrying my kindle in a ziplock bag - does anyone have any links to patterns for a kindle cover?

Procion dyes- has anyone worked with procion dye? I need to overdye a wretched colour of salmon. The yarn is a cotton/acrylic mix (more cotton than acrylic), and I want to use it up - but I'm NOT wearing pink. I'm looking to knit this with cotton/acrylic mix/ Can you tell me how that would take? Either way, I'm looking to get this done in the Spring of 2012.

Almost finished exchange fic. Never mind that the concept is beating me like I owe it money... I'm going to sit down and try and finish the edits tonight. Go, me.

1 we went to Majorca - and Ryan air is a ***** of an airline- so I was only allowed to carry two books due to weight and I finished them on the second day. In addition to that, I had to carry my netbook. Let's just say a kindle would have been welcome

2 Uhhh okay, so I keep my credit card in a block of ice in the freezer. The idea is, if the article is important enough to me by the time the ice has melted, I can buy it without question

3 Loads of questions, but I can't articulate them just yet, I want to see what I can find out on my own, first.

state of play, fic

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