Sep 26, 2011 20:00
Right, chaps.
I'm trying to get back into the swing of things, as a distraction from issues IRL (so boring, OMG, trauma is so boring) so prompt me. Is there any situation or pairing that you want me to write, I'll do it in the length of a DW comment box (if you're from LJ, I'll slap it in various LJ comment fic boxes). Any Marvel character (including the movies), I'll take on.
Popular pairings, to those as rare as hen's teeth... none will be turned away.
Some caveats
I best write to prompts which are rather specific, along the lines of say, "Carol Danvers/magazines" than just 'Carol Danvers - any'. I can't write like that.
If you can't think of a prompt, you can ask a friend to drop a prompt and I'll see what I can do.
If we don't have a fandom in common, you can ask me to rant or rave on a subject of your choice, and I'll do that too.
I will try and answer your prompt within a reasonable time, but it will be done.
prompt me!,