Going to PAX this weekend! We went for the first time last year and it was really fun, then went again to PAX East so we could go see
mintyduck's parents as well.
My favorite part of it all isn't so much the exhibit hall or the panels, but being able to play a whole bunch of games that I might normally be unable to. We learned the joys of five-player Battlestar Galactica at PAX East, which has been the best way to play by far. This year we're going to try and give Castle Ravenloft a try which looks like fun. The second thing we're going to try and do is some D&D. We enjoyed the DM challenge at PAX East, so going to attempt to play in that again. I also want to check out a bunch of indie RPGs. My goals are to get a little demo of Apocalypse World (I do so love post-apocalyptic stories and games) and maybe some Burning Wheel.