Just felt like writing

Aug 08, 2005 21:20

As every one knows, i love to write. Most wont read cuz its too long, but this was for me any way.


Why is AIDS Associated with Gays?

I swear some people are so close minded it boggles my mind that they can even think for themselves. Why do people (not all), relate having aids to being gay? I mean really. Straight people have the same chance of receiving aids as a gay person does. What is the REAL difference between a straight human, and a homosexual human BESIDES sexual orientation? If some one can answer that for me it would do me a lot of good. We are all humans, and we all desire love. Why does it matter where love comes from? If a single person is happy, in what way does it DIRECTLY affect you? Does it mean that you will turn gay because you are around a gay person? Is it a disease? Is it contagious? Be real folkz. Aids is transmitted through people who are ignorant enough to not use protection during sex, and drug abuse. There are several cases of rape and other cases in which aids is transmitted, but in this case it is pure negligence.

Leading a homosexual lifestyle is a sin!
Get Real

Oh man, how many times have we all heard this one? I Think people should try something other than "leanding a homosexual life is a sin. This is more like an excuse for heteros. Speaking for myself, and proably many other lesbians out there, that is so LAME! Now, correct me if I am wrong, but a sin is a sin? Now then… I am not a biblical person, I cant preach sermons nor pick out bible versus, but I can tell you what my beliefs are. If you disagree, then that’s fine. It don’t bother me a bit. *smile* Sin is a sin, therefore folkz that continuously judge me and my fate with God is as bad as I am! *gasp* say it aint so. Right, judging is a sin. So please refrain from doing so while reading this passage, or better yet my journal in general. Second, need I not mention the majority of men and women who have premarital sex? Those who are married, but cheat? Lets see, what is that called again… right… adultery. Wow… and I have yet to hit the big one. Smoking and drinking. Bodily harm. Tisk Tisk. What about those who lie, lust, and curse? Seems like we have all done one of those things at least one time, and that is being modest. You may go ahead and type out bible versus. I don’t mind reading them. Although, it wont change me or the relationship that I hold with my heavenly father. So with all due respect my fellow sinners please think twice before preaching to some one who is not as biblical as you.

Why do Doms have to obide by rules?

Iight, first lets all go back to English class and understand the meaning of dom. Dom is derived from the English word Dominate. Oohhhh says the class. What does Dominate mean? A simple definition would be, to take control. Be the upper hand. Now we all know that this doesn’t apply fully to the lesbian community. Doms now have this name because they take on a masculine appearance. Mostly meaning clothes, and style. This is in general, im not talking about all the butches, or manly ladies. Lol. Now that a lady is classified as a dom, there are so many limitations to what they can do, or else they will be known as a fake dom. Oh noooo… not that.
1. DOMS MAY NOT WEAR PANTIES: Why? They are women, and last time I checked panties are for women.
2. FEMZ MAY NOT USE A STRAP ON A DOM: Why? Doms are women and they do have a g-spot, just like a fem.
3. DOMS CANT BE SOFT SPOKEN OR MOAN LOUDLY IN BED: What on earth?*sigh* If that aint the most sexiest thing, then I don’t know what is.
4. DOMS CANT GET PREGNANT: All I can say is, she don’t have a period every month for no reason.
5. DOMS CANT BE WITH ANOTHER DOM: Oh man… take off the clothes and what do we have? You figure it out.
6. DOMS CANT WEAR TIGHT PANTS OR DRESS LIKE A GIRL: Now if that aint stupid then I don’t know what is.

And the list goes on, but this just goes to show that labels are ridiculous.
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