A silver lining around my washer...?

Dec 28, 2014 00:09

I woke up this morning on our couch. After having passed out on our couch around 0300, I tried to crawl in bed with Fidget. I tossed and turned, and finally around 0500, I decided to go downstairs since he had to work this morning. I made up the couch into a bed and Sadie and I passed right out until 0830 when the alarms went off.

I knew that Fidget's sister and brother-in-law were coming over this evening. I knew I needed to arrange some things, move some other things, and generally straighten up. The first thing on the docket was to wash the sheets and some underwear, so I loaded up the washing machine, figuring I would take a shower when it was done spinning, then get the rest of my house in order.

The washing machine stopped and when I walked into the laundry room, I felt that the rug was wet. Now, Sadiecat only has three legs; she lost her back right leg when she was six months old. Story is that she fell out of a sixth-floor office window, and the leg was shattered, so the vet removed it. Then the owner said he didn't want her anymore, so the vet, whom is like Kayrin's third cousin twice removed or something ridiculous, asked Mary K if she wanted a cat. Which is how Sadie came to live with Mary K and subsequently with us.

Anyway, because of Sadie's tripod nature, she has some interesting bathroom issues, so I thought the wet rug was an accident. But it was SOPPING. And there's no way there's that much liquid in my cat. Then I pick up the drip pan; rusty water comes gushing out.


Now, I'm intermittently mopping behind the washer, the front of it, and calling various friends and family to figure out a game plan. I know I can't move the washer by myself, and Fidget won't be home for several hours.

I call his sister. "Remember how everything was sucking? It's sucking even harder now."

Her husband is loading a tool bag to come help us. The idea is to at least get the washer and dryer out (because you have to remove the dryer and the DOOR in order to get out the washing machine) and put behind the house to get the water off the floor and access damage. Then she tells me that they have another washer and dryer in his grandmother's house, just chilling in the basement. Four years old. Just hanging out. And we could have it for free.

We'll fast forward several hours. There's a dismantled and discombobulated washing machine in the back yard; panels are off, the basin is hanging out. It basically rusted and rotted itself apart, and also CHIPPED A HOLE THE SIZE OF MY THUMB THROUGH MY TILE. The dryer is hanging out back there too, all in one piece, but 15 yo and not really worth much. We've mopped/swept up most of the rust dust in the laundry room, put the door in the room without hanging it, and I cleaned Sadie's bathroom because WHOA. I've bought us Japanese food with money I don't have because there was no way I was going to make a sausage casserole. His sister bought me wine. We sat on my couch for a bit, talking about how cute Sadie was and all of her antics. They left with promises of calling his best friend to see about getting the new washer and dryer over here on Tuesday.

It's all so overwhelming. When I was so miserable, I still tried to think positively. Here I am checking prices and trying to find a long lost gift card, when she just pops up with "we have one if you want it." You put enough good energy out there, even when you're cranky, put it into the ether...

... it's amazing what can come back.

circle house, sadie, fidget

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