We finally got home last night, thankfully to a melted parking lot so there was no shoveling involved. After turning back on our thermostat to tell the house we were home, we unloaded groceries and clothing, crawling in our bed in our home. I slept soundly, though woke up because of the notification that we had a late opening. Fidget got up as per usual, since his work didn't close. Muzume was already closed for the day, but with the threat of possibly needing to report to the Starship, I decided to drive him in. We battled our way north on the beltway, and I dropped him off, getting home around 0830, just in time for the notification to come that the clinic was closed. Hurrah!
After pulling into my now-snowy driveway, this is what greeted me at my door:
Sad cold pumpkin. And completely covered gnome.
I'm making a to-do list now, taking advantage of the snow day. I told the house I'm home, so thankfully the heat is bumping through here. I'm going to figure out what I need to do for school, get some exercise in, maybe figure out dinner, and do a LOT of laundry. It's comforting to have this day, seeing as it's quiet and serene. I can focus on finishing out my semester strong and put my home in order so I'm more apt to want to spend time with Fidget.
Today also makes me think of Kayrin, whom had to explain to me what a "snow day" was so many years ago.
Fidget and I are indeed better, which is good. I'm not sure if it was the talking-to last week which prompted him to evaluate what's going on, or the date night we went on Saturday where I told him how much I appreciated him, or if it's just an upswing, but I'll take it. I'm looking forward to spending more time, more quality time, more easy time versus trying to smash all of the quality I want in the small amount of time I'm able to give. I think being home today will give me a jump start on housework that I want/need done. (While Fidget will do it, I find peace in cleaning my house and putting things in the order I want.) I can finish an assessment, and hopefully have the time to shovel and go get him. Maybe we'll make hot chocolate tonight and watch movies, or go through our abandoned TiVo and see what's lined up there.
So, I'll take this snow day and use it to the best of my advantage. I'm productive when alone...
... just gotta finish this to-do list!