Orientation at Muzume and other random happenings...

Aug 28, 2013 22:31

I was originally going to update from my Kindle, but got too distracted and figured I was always better with an actual keyboard. Yes, I own a Kindle now, even with my "fear" of technology. It was a birthday gift from Momma, and turns out that some of my books will be cheaper through it, so good foresight on her part. However, it's big and flashy and is intimidating, so I'm trying not to worry too much about it.

Side health note: I'm down another four pounds, so huzzah! While I haven't worn any of Hunny's clothes yet, I plan on this weekend when we go up for Smurf's bachelorette party. It should be a hoot, and I'm looking forward to hanging out and having a chill time. On a side side note, my coworker stated she would go through her closet and see if there were clothes that could fit me; I lamented that while Hunny sent a few tops, otherwise there were a lot of jeans, which aren't work appropriate. My coworker said she could hopefully help me out with some work pants, and then I can wear the tops and be awesome about it!

The orientation at Muzume was yesterday. I was generally a nervous wreck, trying to sit with a group of women whom all just graduated in May. The conversations, and my internal monologue, went something like this:"I did just graduate in May."
I've been out for seven years.
"I don't have a roommate! It's great!"
I just bought a house and am living with my long-term partner of three years.
"My job is in the field, but I start on Monday."
I've held my job for over four years. Before that, I was also in the field for an additional two and a half.
I know it makes me sound hoity, but for the first time, I literally felt OLD. So I found myself a new buddy who's an older gentleman. We were buddies throughout the day, and even have a class together coming up, which is awesome.

I realize I'm what Cedar Crest would call a LLL: Life Long Learning student. So crazy.

However, the good news is I FINALLY got my schedule so I can plan what I'm doing for the next four months. I went to Kick tonight and at the end of class, told the instructor I was sad I wouldn't be back until December. I still need to work on my itty bitty paper calendar for September to see if I can get classes in on the weekends.

I also got a hold of one of my syllabi for this semester, and naturally, my first day is the Monday after Smurf's wedding when Bluejay will be in town. I'm going to have to do a lot of planning in order to pull this off, but I know it's possible.

I still haven't done this office; it seems so daunting, though I know I just need to put things away. I think I'll figure that out on Labor Day if we don't go on my aunt's boyfriend's boat. While both Fidget and I are off on the Tuesday following, we have a slew of doctor's appointments and I may just want to curl into a ball.

But yay, grad school! Yay finally having an idea of when classes will be! I'll be in class on Mondays and Tuesdays from 1630 to 1840, and then Wednesdays from 1630 to 1950. I can still be home before 2100. I can work out upstairs, cook dinner, and maybe study. This may just be the best idea I've had yet...

... we'll have to gage what the upcoming semesters will be like.

woggling, grad school

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