Thanksgiving morning, I was reluctantly rustled from bed by a very persistent Bluejay. I haven't been sleeping a lot lately; my life has gotten too full, for which I'm thankful for, but there are times where I long for my boring life of last year. I decided to start a conversation with her half-awake, where I told her my hand was hurting and fine, I'll baste the damned Pavo. I asked Bluejay what to call this year's turkey and she replied with "Herbert!" Neither of us has any idea why, but hey, we'll roll with it.
Naturally, since it's Turkey Day, I received several text messages from folks omgsothankful. Shink's mom (who I still haven't named from
last year) sent a happy turkey day text, to which I replied, and then she stated it was snowing where she was. After I did the expected NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!, I tried to wake up further by smoking a cigarette and drinking Dew. Bluejay was getting ready to go to the store because a.) she's crayzee and b.) we ran out of cheesecloth and the meat thermometer died. She looked outside and went, "It's snowing here!"
"No, no it's not."
"Jess, look outside. It's snowing!"
"Don't wanna. Can't make me."
The first picture Finch took of the snow, which he sent to me.
I texted Da-ee, to which he replied, "We have the A/C on!"
Stupid Florida parents and their stupid Florida weather.
I took this picture less than an hour after Finch's. It was big, wet snow that covered everything, and made my heart cry a little. It pretty much melted after that day, though I did have to clean off Onyx's windshield with a snow brush.
This year is decidedly different from last year. Last year, I was toting around Nugget and making pies without cinnamon. This year, while making pies without cinnamon, I am sans baby, my life is definitely rated NC-17 and I'm enjoying the hell out of it. I drove in at a semi-decent hour, ate the best Domino's I ever ate, and enjoyed a mini-nap with Finch, Bluejay's little brother. After I woke up, Finch was gone, and Shink was hollering at me in the living room. Bluejay rejoined the partay and we made eggies and start baking pies, listening to a range of music from old school rap to techno. We peeled apples amid sexual innuendos and I continued to laugh at how awesome the Game truly is.
This year has just flown by; I find it funny how everything has gelled together in the past month versus the haphazard way the first five-sixths of the year happened by. I can't necessarily attribute any of this to any one specific thing; I think it's hilarious that I postulated last year I could possibly make my own turkey this year. Like I'm going to make a damned turkey! I was asked at work by a woman who calls me "Miss Gourmet" what I was making for Turkey Day; I looked at her through bleary, half-lidded eyes and said, "Deviled eggs and sweet potatoes. Those are my responsibilities." I like this tradition of a "family dinner" without family. I haven't been in Florida since 2004 and have been home-hopping since then. Bluejay and I just realized this is the fourth Thanksgiving we have had together; regardless of the fact I've lived in Baltimore for almost two years, I still feel this urge to go work a double after she's served.
This entry has been sitting on Bluejay's computer for the past two days. For some odd reason, I couldn't be particularly nostalgic when I didn't have a reason to. We had an excellent dinner, which seemed like Bluejay's family dinner (Finch, and then her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Magpie) and oh hai, Shink and I were there. Herbert tasted mighty tasty, and the food was banging.
And finally, Bluejay got her own pilgrim salt and pepper shakers so I wouldn't have to keep bringing mine up. Yay for a Momma box before I came North!
Hunny, Trips, and Caterpillar all came by that night, and we had random Happy Gobble Gobble festivities. We eventually passed out from turkey comas (Herbert did a good job!), and I awoke early on Black Friday to not go shopping, but to go to a funeral. Caterpillar had told me one of our clients had died, so I spent Black Friday going to yet another Catholic High Mass. We met Trips at IHOP for breakfast, then Trips and I spent the rest of the day together, running some errands before I go to SweetPea's for her housewarming. We drove for hours in Onyx (who had his oil changed by Kermit's godfather), ending up in Reading and saw Trips' mom. Eventually, I came back to Whitehall to a snuggled-up Bluejay, whom refuses to leave her house on Black Friday. We watched some SVU, ate more of Herbert's leftovers, then got prettified and gallivanted over to Shink, Trips, and Caterpillar's in order to see Freight Train. We visited for a hot minute, then went to Bethlehem to try and go into a speakeasy, but ended up at a very dead Stonewall. I was upset that Bluejay would not enjoy the gay bar atmosphere, but we decided to come back on a Saturday and never a Friday after a holiday. We drove through a McDonald's, I scarfed a quarter pounder, and we went into Hammerhead, where I danced a lot in my chair. I woke up this morning and realized I need to get motivated and get on the road to Nesquehoning for a housewarming, and then get back to Baltimore.
"Get back to Baltimore." Heh. I never thought I would write that. Lately, the past few times I have come to the valley, it truly feels like I'm only visiting. I no longer have towels at someone's house, I'm not raising children, I don't really have ties here. I catch up with people I haven't talked to in three or more weeks, but I long for my polluted city and what it has for me in it. I miss Six-Foot-Three, I miss my bed, I even miss my wallicle. I think I even miss Fidget, which is disturbing me to no end.
I tried to write this entry all nostalgic, continuing my Turkey Day traditions. But I got distracted by the snow and the need to make sweet potatoes. Between feeding folks, seeing friends, and then a funeral, my few days here got really discombobulated. I think it has also to do with my lack of writing as of late; while I've been feeling the muse, I haven't had an outlet. I guess I have to work on my office to get things back up and creatively flowing again.
Off of my own tangent (thanks for riding along!), I hope everybody had a happy Gobble Gobble!
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We're heading into the Ho Ho season, or the (more PC) Christmakwanzaaukkah season. Which means I need to figure out what I am buying people, because srsly, I should do that. I have my trip to Denver coming up next week (oh sweet Jesus, I'm going to Denver!), then there's a possible valley trip with Fidget (oh sweet Jesus, he's going to the Valley?!?), and then some Ho Ho action (oh sweet Jesus, I'm going to Florida?!?!?!?). The end of 2010 is nigh...
... and it's totally going to be awesome!