Memes from 006 and Rose...

Nov 29, 2009 23:33

I will be updating about more important things, but right now, let's clear out some space and plop down some memes.

I can has memes, yes?

Stolen from folkdeath95

1. Relationship status = Single.

2. Nickname(s)= Jess? Jessie? Pooh? None original, I think.

3. Zodiac sign = Cancer, with some Gemini thrown in.

4. Male or female = Female

5. Primary School = I had a lot. Let's go with St. Paul's Beaches.

6. High School = Bishop Kenny High School.

7. University = Cedar Crest College.

8. Hair color = Dirty blonde.

9. tall or Short = Tall.

10. Loud or Quiet music = Depends really. Rock I like loud, but some I like quiet, like the emotastic New Moon soundtrack.

11. Sweats or Jeans = Neither, actually. I haven't worn either in awhile. Maybe flannel pj pants or my khakis.

12. Phone or Camera = Phone.

13. Health freak = Sometimes.

14. Ever Smoked or Drank = Yeah.

15. Do you have a crush on someone = I guess. In such a way that is not.

16. Eat or Drink = Drink.

17. Tattoos = None.

18. Pepsi or Coke = Coke.


19. Been in an airplane?
Yuppers. And will be again soon!

20. Been in a relationship?

21. Been in a car accident?
A few...

22. Been in a fist fight?


23. First piercing-

24. First best friend-
Probably AM.

25. First award?
Probably Honors smart bullshit when I was younger.

28. First journey-
Like when I went to Hawaii? I think I was 7. Or we have me going to college, when I was 18. There was Mexico was I was 22.

Last Thing.

29. Last person you talked to in person-

30. Last person you texted-
Metal Darts.

31. Last person you watched a movie with?
Shink. And it made my brain melt, thanks.

32. Last food you ate-
Sweet potatoes of WIN!

33. Last movie you watched?
The Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy, hence the melty.

34. Last song you listened to-
"Satellite Heart" by Anya Marina.

35. Last thing you bought-

36. Last person you hugged?
Butt Nugget.


37. Food?
Right now, it's sweet potatoes, ha!

38. Drinks-
Mountain Dew.

39. Clothing-
These black pants are rocking, and I don't know why I didn't wear them until I moved south.

40. Flower-
Yellow roses. And jasmine.

42. Color(s)-

43. Movies-
I really can't say. But I can rock psych movies (Stay, Eternal Sunrise) or vampire movies (Underworld).

44. Subject- Always Psychology, but you can throw some science in there, too.


45. [x] skip school

46. [x] celebrated Halloween

48. [x] went over minutes/texts on your cell phone

51. [ ] got pregnant?

52. [ ] had an abortion

53. [x] did something you regret

54. [x] broke a promise

55. [x] hid a secret

56. [x] pretended to be happy

57. [x] met someone who changed your life

58. [x ] pretended to be sick

59. [x] left the country

60. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it

61. [x] cried over the silliest thing

62. [x] slept with someone you don't know

63. [x] went to the beach with my best friend

64. [x] got into an argument with your friends

65. [x] hated someone

66. [x] stayed single a whole year


67. Feeling:
Somewhat angry, somewhat irritated, and a whole lot of tired.

68. Drinking:
Nothing right now. Was Dew earlier when I was driving.

69. Listening to:
Just the fan of my computer.

71. Plans for today:
Well, I'm going the hell to bed soon, but tomorrow will be more cleaning and maybe some laundry in preparation for Florida!

72. Waiting:
On a lost hope.

73. Want kids:
I do.

74. Want to get married:
Maybe. Depends anymore; I don't think I could do the white wedding in a church though.

75. Careers in mind:


77. One night stands?
Not for me.

78. Eye color -
Typically been attracted to brown eyes from my history, but now, it doesn't really matter.

79. Dark hair or light -
Usually darker than mine.

81. Hook-up or relationship -
I have no idea anymore.

82. Hott or cute? -
Doesn't matter.


83. Lost glasses -
Jesus. Often. My sunglasses perpetually got lost. I lose the ones I wear often because I can't see when I put them down, ha.

85. Held a gun/knife for self defense-

86. Killed somebody -

87. Broken someone's heart -

88. Been arrested -
Nopers. But somewhat close.

89. Cried when someone died -
Oh yeah.


90. Yourself -
Sometimes it's all I believe in.

91. Miracles -
Too much coincidence for miracles.

92. Love at first sight -

94. Santa Claus -
The history of him, sure.

95. Sex on the first date -
It has happened in the past.

96. Kiss on the first date -
Yeah, why not.

97. Is there one person you want to be with right now?
Used to be. Now I'm just kinda whatever.

98. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life -
I'm happy enough to be where I am.

99. Is there something you would like to say to someone -
Not right now.

100. Post as 100 truths -
Um, no. I like my way of posting better, so nyah!

Stolen from glitteringloke

You know how sometimes people on your friendslist post about stuff going on in their life, and all of a sudden you think "Wait a minute? Since when were they working THERE? Since when were they dating HIM/HER? Since when???" And then you wonder how you could have missed all that seemingly pretty standard information, but somehow you feel too ashamed to ask for clarification because it seems like info you should already know? It happens to all of us sometimes.

Please copy the topics below, erase my answers and put yours in their place, and then post it in your journal! Please elaborate on the questions that would benefit from elaboration. One-Word-Answers seldom help anyone out. (:

first name
Jess. And that's all you need to know.

26. Oh, how interesting.

My study at home in Catonsville, MD, which is about a half hour southwest of Baltimore.

Crisis Intake Worker. Which means I deescalate phone calls from clients and schedule appointments. Not what I was hired for, kthnx.

Don't have one.

None. Don't even have a fish anymore. I have an aloe plant; does Alina count?

I'm the only one that matters.

None, see above.

list the 3/5 biggest things going on in your life
- Kermit being sick
- Applying for more jobs, maybe getting a part-time one.
- Going to Florida in a week to see my folks, yay!
- Did a complete upheaval of my apartment so woot for cleaning!

Very crayzee. And that's all you need to know about them! And oh yeah, they live in Florida.

who are some of your closest friends?
I am very blessed with all of my friendships, and am glad they put up with me, my box theory, and my multiple imbroglios. I'm not going to sit here, however, and name everybody and turn this shit into some MySpace top 8 or whatev. So, no thank you, survey...

... no thank you!

survey, memes

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