Aug 05, 2005 14:25
So I got up at 5:30 to work, and then I had to babysit, and from there I'm going to the fair to work. long day. But I did get to top a tree today, which was freaky (but fun) cuz if I was 20 ft closer it would have smooshed me! Then I almost backed jerry's truck into a neighbors house and gave Jerry a heart attack in the process. I'm not used to that big of a truck though, it's this huge ford that has a mind of it's own.
I must be crazy but I can't wait for school to start. something new. Yesterday I got so fed up with my friends and their attitudes that I went home and laid in the woods and read a book. I'm amazed at the way some people act sometimes. Not excusing me because I have faults too. it's just frustrating to be aroung people that complain all day when you're trying to have a good time.
One of the things that God just amazes me with is how he can change people. He takes people that are like stone and makes them as soft as clay. Then once we're in that vulnerable state, that place where we trust him more that we ever have, that's when he forms us into who he wants us to be. i've seen such a huge change in so many people, including myself, and I'm realizing that in all those times where I thought God was so far away, he was really right there. I was blinded by my own selfish and sinful thoughts and desires, and when that consumed me, I thought God just gave up on me. But looking back, I can see that he was by my side the whole time and protected me from SO much. He was faithful, he never left me. I'm just in awe of God's power, and his forgiveness. :) he rocks my socks! And the best part is he gives me the strength to keep going even when I'm ready to fall over!!!!