Not much time, no exercise by default...

Jun 03, 2014 17:27

I have pretty much given up on the idea of exercise. There's no money coming in right now, so with the pass expired, there's not a facility to go to. I have added some days of walking to try and get some more exercise, get off the bus sooner, etc. etc. in order to try and get some movement in. With doing the internship, I don't see a lot of possibility to do any group classes without losing my sanity. There are some days where I know I will just need to rest.

I am still continuing with the healthy eating; I was actually proud of myself last night because when I got home at midnight after a harrowing bus adventure, I did not cook myself a plate or make a brownie. I just unloaded my lunch bag and went to bed, which was the healthier of the three options. I think by my being out so late, it's going to force me to eat dinner out, so packing an extra helping is going to be my best option. Right now, I'm updating this, then going to heat up some dinner to get me through the next several hours. I have a banana and some fruit/nut mix that I'll eat after class on my way home in case I need the calories.

Part of me is somewhat disappointed due to the minimal weight gain, but I realize that it's basically maintenance at this point due to lack of time with the scheduling. I can work in some DVDs whenever I'm home, but at this point, I leave every morning at 0645 and am not getting home until 2100-2300 depending on the night. With hour commutes and a lot of sitting, I'm trying to get off stops earlier and stand at bus stops instead of sitting.

If it wasn't so depressing at my job right now, I would probably have more umph to sit on my stability ball like I used to. I'll be working in some mile-long walks during lunch breaks, so that's something.

I'm more hopeful for the fall. While there is a LOT of things going on in the fall, there's more spots of time where I could get in an exercise class or do a DVD. I'll be busing more, but the spots of time where I'll be "stranded" somewhere will be beneficial to making down time and if available, taking an exercise class then showering. My birthday is also coming up in a few weeks, so I'm hopeful that the birthday fairy may bestow some funds upon me to purchase the gym pass in the upcoming weeks.

Still drinking water, still trying to stay away from soda and fast foods. Trying to listen to my body, as well as my wallet, when it comes to food cravings and urges. It's a work in progress. I'm up to 222ish right now, which is still 20+ pounds less than where I was last year, and that's something to be commended...

... I'm getting there.
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