May 25, 2014 10:53
I did get all dolled up for the spin class, then was caught in traffic so couldn't attend. It made me angry that I couldn't get to spin class, so I revolted by eating pizza with my partner. On Thursday, I was trying to do more chores and get home early; instead, it again took almost three hours to get home from work. I made spaghetti and called it a night.
I weighed myself this morning and am down to 218.6. Not the best I've done, especially considering the amount of sweets I've been eating and the lack of exercise that hasn't been happening. However, I'm down almost a pound from last week. Part of me thinks it's the amount of work I did yesterday. I was finally able to get some chores done, cleaning both bathrooms, vacuuming our neglected upstairs closet, and changing sheets, among other tasks. I'm taking advantage of the long weekend and working on getting the house in order. It would appear I'm unable to break down the treadmill; it needs Allen wrenches and probably prayer. My best idea is to borrow a truck to take it to the dump one Saturday morning in June.
We should be walking down to the farmer's market shortly, which makes me happy. A friend spent the night Friday night, then awoke Saturday morning to buy us some groceries and make us breakfast. We might be able to coast on food until we get to Philly on Friday, which would make me very happy. I'm hoping we can buy cheap-er green foods this morning along with some sausage. I've had a hankering for sausage gravy and our friend bought us healthy Bisquick, so figured we could make biscuits with sawmill gravy. I have healthier substitutions for the gravy, so it might not all be a lost, calorie-wise.
I just checked the other gym's schedules and it looks like not a lot is going to be offered tomorrow. We've been invited to my partner's best friend's house for a Memorial Day something, so am hoping we can get down there. If we need to bring something, I found a recipe for a healthier version of chocolate chip cookies.
After the farmer's market, my plan is to work downstairs: get the mail in order, sweep the hardwoods, vacuum the floors, etc. I have already noticed that my mind seems less full by the work I did yesterday, so by doing a final push today, I think I'll be able to start that internship and work and class without feeling as much anxiety. I've been considering taking off more time in August once my classes and internship are done; I don't think I did May well, so am hoping to remedy that in the future. It's a delicate balance trying to figure out how much time to take off from work to let my brain recalibrate, as well as letting my partner recalibrate to me.
I am hopeful for today, not only for the good food coming my way, but the joining with my partner to walk and reflect on where we are. This exercise thing, and this healthy eating lifestyle? I'm hopeful about it, too. I've always been determined...
... I'll find ways to sneak it all in.
weigh in