Mayfield Application

May 09, 2010 22:11

Name: Cuppy
Personal LJ: despaircupcake
Contact Info: AIM: cuppy the robot
Other Characters Played: N/A

Character Name: Howard T. J. Moon
Character Series: The Mighty Boosh
Character Age: 32. Or so he claims.

Background: Here.

Personality: Howard has an ego the size of the moon. He blows his own skills and abilities way, way out of proportion. He thinks of himself as a “genre-spanner” and believes he has a “dark, literary soul”. However, most of the things he considers deep and cultured he fails miserably at. Due to this nigh constant failure, Howard feels he has to prove himself in everything. He’ll challenge others to fights with just a little provoking… only to cow out seconds later. Deep down, he’s a huge coward, and frequently winds up begging for his life when outmatched. He is quite contrary, and always insists on doing things his way… at first. It really doesn’t take that much to force him into things (such as the time his boss blackmailed him into boxing a kangaroo). So even if he makes a show of being independent, he very rarely gets his own way. This serves only to make him more stubborn about his decisions. So when he does get his way? It usually winds up going very badly. In fact, the main conflict of many episodes stems from Howard’s unique penchant for getting himself into dangerous and/or stupid situations, which Vince must then rescue him from.

Despite his attitude, Howard has a very special bond with his friend, Vince Noir. They’ve been friends since grade school, and literally do everything together. He acts quite superior towards Vince, treating him almost like a subordinate. He tries to order him around, or teach him things, most of which his friend ignores. In reality, Vince outstrips him in almost everything. Perhaps this is where part of his massive inferiority complex originates from.

Howard is very, very awkward with women. And he can be with others, too, especially when he’s really trying to impress them. It’s so severe that in the episode “Party”, he reveals that he is actually still a virgin. Yeah. He might think he’s smooth-talking and debonair, but under pressure, he usually goes off on some insanely awkward tangent. Like when talking to a pair of goth girls, he told them that he “Went to a graveyard today. Yeah. Got naked. Did a shit on a tombstone.” Sadly, that is pretty typical of him when talking to women.

He also seems to have an obsession with orderliness, as evidenced by his so-called Stationary Village. And in the season one episode “Artic”, he is shown to be very uncomfortable with being touched. His temper is rather short as well. If someone insults him or something he likes, he will usually launch into a little defensive rant. All of these traits fit right into his uptight personality.

Abilities: No special abilities. Unless you count the occasional possession by the Spirit of Jazz.

Sample Entry:
Er, hello? Is there someone there? …Listen, Mr. Kidnapper, if you’re hearing this, whatever you’re trying to do, it’s not gonna work. When Howard Moon goes missing, things happen. People are up in arms. And it’s not just the mobs you’ll have to deal with, oh no. There’s me. Yeah, you just show your face, and I’ll come at you like a feral cat, like an ocelot.[He makes a garbled noise that is presumably supposed to be a cat.] Bet you’re regretting not tying me down now, eh? Yeah, bring it! Come on!

[There’s a long pause.]

…Or uh, if I wandered into the wrong house, sorry. I’ll just be going now.

And here’s a dear_mun post, too, if you’d like.

ooc, application, mayfield_rpg

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