
Jun 21, 2004 19:19

A - Ashley
B- Brandon
C - Caila
D - Dave
E - Erin
F - Fred
G - Grace
H - Hannah (even tho. i don't really know her.. i know OF her)
I -
J - Jessica
K - Kelly
L - Lily
M - Marc
N - Nate
O -
P - Peter (Mr. Farrell)
Q -
R - Rachael
S - Steve
T - tom
U -
V -
W -
X -
Y -
Z - Zach (oh baby)

Most Recent Purchase: Mints

What are You Listening to Now?: nothing

Last Book You Read: Confessions of a Shopaholic

How Many CDs do you own: i have no clue

Who is the most common artist among those discs: Mathc Box 20 or 3rd eye blind or the Tsunami Bomb... humm

Favorite Author: Shakespear???

Most prevelant author on your bookshelveves: Shake.

Last Concert You Attended: The Boston Pops.... ohhh i am a class broad

Tattoos/Piercings:tattoos- i have a frog on my foot, gary on my belly, and on my arm so wierd thing from Pok e' mon... (all bath tub tattoos) piercings... well ears and if my mother doesn't let me get my navel pierced soon it will be done by my self... i can cut my hair i will pierce my navel...haha.. GROUNDED FOR LIFE!!!

Last dream you had: I had a dream that i was all pissed off because someone took this thing in my room... that i don't even own... it was like a glowing ball.... and so i shot my brother and mara was there laughing and i cried... and richie was my get away car... it was wierd... then i was in that field near my house in a toga... getting drunk and dancing around like a hippie... it was sweet!

Anything alive, other than you, in your room: probibly bugs.. ants.. spiders... that sort

What can you smell right now: i farted so fart...hee hee

Last CD You Bought: Petty

Last Person You Spoke to on the Phone: Big T

How many AIM conversations are you carrying on right now: none

What is your AIM name right now: urbanashes

What is the root of this name: a life style, a start to a clothing co., a write group... a bunch of things

Most embarrassing song you’ve willingly listened to today: some song by Boy George

How many pairs of shoes do you own: haha you really want me to answer that... searously... 53

Have you ever cheated on anything (test, significant other, taxes): YES

Ever kissed more than one person in one night: nope... not unless you count my parents

List 5 random things sitting in front of you:
1. mirror
2. Mountain Dew Cap
3. post it
4. ear rings

5. gift card... wierd i know

Pet peeves: people who breath really heavily that sit next to me.. people that cough in the dead scilence of a classroom (durring a test), anyone who is like my mother.

Any fantasies: well becoming a rock star.... actress.. singer.... writer..... having Johnny Dep lick ice cream off of my stomach.....Andew Leach making out with me... anywhere.... haha! Uh... no more that are PG 13 and under ;)

What do you want to be when you grow up: uh... writer... teacher ( music only)..... crazy person listener.... musician... journalist

Last time you drank: when carmen came over... i drak 1/2 of my mother's blender drink... using my dad's artful take the drink when they aren't around method...haha

Last time you did any variety of drugs: well.. i don't... advil? Does that count? Well i took one of those for my headache.. about 1/2 an hour ago

Last time you kissed someone: oh jeeze... i am deprived... someone KISS ME!

Last time you drove: today

Last time you smiled: today

What else are you doing right now: crossing my legs... i blew my nose....picking at my toe

Anything you're trying to remember: why i told richie i didn't like him... i always try to remember that whole situation... what happened... and why... i will ALWAYS remember just the reasons i don't... hummm

Plans: tonight? none?

Listening to now: nothing

First Things First:
write down the first thing that comes to mind..

love: awww

sex: where?

food: fat

music: rock on

summer: grease

fun: boys

What do you want to accomplish tomorrow: get laid? wait that is EVERY DAY (sorry)

What time is it now: i duno
Are you actually going to do what you were putting off? if motehr naggs long enough... or if i get grounded

Quick, gimme a lyric: Take my hand take my whole life too... i can't help.. falling in love with you....

And a song: complicated (how gay is that)

And a band: The Gimme Gimmies

What are you craving right now: sushi

Is chivalry dead: i do believe so (someone help i duno what this means!)

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