Jun 21, 2004 18:56
So i didn't get to go down to the court :(!! Which SUCKS... well this is the story about that... my mother's friend takes care of it... and he was told by another friend to let the parks anf rec. department care for it... because it is one of thier responcibliliies... but they didn't so the net is not up.. the court is not raked.. the grass is not cut... so Phil is going to do that so we can play... awwww... how nice... THANKS PHIL!!! So yes... if you didn't know kids from the god damn skat park throw glass in there... so it's a lovly thing to find with your FEET or BODY as you dig a ball... nice.... rrreeeaaalll nice!
So instead i went to my grandmother's and did NOTHING at all for at least 6 hours... my grandfatehr insisted upon looking through my year book... and did... he got mad when i wouldn't let him read hte comments.... hummm i wonder why ;)! So it was fun...i guess.. haha..there was on evil had durring supper... so that was a plus... and i went for a run... hoping to see mark... haha.. because wow... he is hot... and even though he's 21 it takes my mind off of... this other guy that i can't help but like... haha! Oh man!
So about that other guy... i found myself thinking about him... once again... you know some days it is easier to get away from those thoughts than others.. today was one of those days where it was ok to dwell in his thoughs... i wasn't going to cry... or wish.. or anything... i was greatful to know him today... it was nice... a nice day to think about a boy who ment a lot to me... it's good because i found this quote that said if it was ment to be you sould let it go and it will come back... i am not about to let it go... and just hope for it to come back... but to make sure that it WILL come back for the sake of my heart not being dropped into 0712483924 pieces on the floor... kimmi and i can both help each other pick them up... or so i hope.. i think that kimmi's is worse than mine though.. her's had a promising future.... mine really was a has been type of thing... i just don't want to loose what i could have had and wanted and realized i had fucked up before it was too late... hummmm... so yes... moving on...
I have a single plugged side of the nose today... it's not a double plug it's only a one sider... but to me those are the worst... so i am like on medicine to fix that... wow.. i think that i am falling apart.. haha... tommorrow i think that i am going to the movies in the am... i can have a friend but i duno who isn't working.. i plan on going to see the Stepford wives.. .it looks good... but i duno.. my brother and mother are going to see harry potter which i have no interest in at all... i only read the books because "everyone else is doing it" i duno.... carmen the poster at Wal Mart... he is soooo UGLY!! haha.. but anyways... it has been one of those days where nothing effected me greatly and all the bad was balanced out by good... haha... so yes! My Aunt and cousins come on WEDNESDAY... and on Friday night i am going to be babysitting... so i will have money... my one day summer job... oh man... well i am going to play my saxaphone.. tommorrow i am going to get reeds and some music books with some "chill" tunes... you just can't find any good sheet mucis online... write later if anything good happens... or bad... later