I have been a slack bastard as far as blogging lately. Lots of stuff been going on.
They day after I went to the protest up in Crawford, my knee swole up, turned neon pink and got hot. After spending about six hours in the E/R, the let me leave with a presription for the next ten days. It went away but two weeks later it came back with a vengence. This time in the same leg, right, and in my calf. It was swollen, red and hot. Fully expecting to go through the same thing as last time, they decided to admit me. I will never never ever go to an E/R without packing. When they admited me, I told them I was parked in emergency parking. They said they couldn't move my car. I told them let me do it, so I went down there with an iv in my arm. I jump in my car and drive about three blocks or so over to my apartment. I grab a records bag and through socks, underwear, shorts and chargers in it. I was stuck in there since for about three days. About a month later it comes back in my left leg. I went to see my doc. By sunday, my other leg is infected. Luckily we killed it or it went into hiding. It is cellulitis. It is an infection of the most inner layer of skin. They thought the bones might be infected for bit. They think it might be MRSA, which is a antibiotic resistant staph infection. Right now they are talking have the skin I keep getting infected in removed. It is much better than losing a stick.
Other than that things are going great. "Other than the bullet in the head how was the show Mr. Lincoln?"
I have a gig on Halloween. It should be a gig, it is always a blast with this crew.
Next week is the Austin Record Convention. I am going to limit myself to somewhere between $100-200. I am going the first day. Normally there is a $25 charge to be an early shopper. I felt like a crack head the first time I paid that much to shop for records when one day later would be $4. That was until I got inside and saw people I knew as sick as I am. The dope thing this year is that I got the hook up this year and will be getting in for free the whole weekend.