May 21, 2007 10:34
I don't know how many of you that read Nicole's live journal will also read this but yes it's true.
I am hurt. So is she, as are others.
I want us all to know that in a way we all played a part in this. and the lesson to be learned is to be truthful, trustworthy and honest with yourself and those you love.
I still love Nicole. I always will. I've never been in love with someone as much as I have with her and it hurts to think that I will be alone. She was my security blanket and I hers.
I plan on still being there for her as long as she wants me and needs me.
Those of you whom may have bad thoughts of me... you can go screw yourselves. as Nicole has told me she has defended me to you all. She may never again as she's no longer obligated. I don't care of your opinions of me and you can keep them to yourselves.
I would ask that those of you that read this do me a favor. Stop whatever your doing and think of your significant others if you have one, if not think of your closest friends. Then go and tell them how much you love and care for them. be truthful, don't hide secrets.
No more lies, confess them... you may be forgiven. especially if the love is real between you.
I forgave Nicole for everything because I have no hate in my heart for her. I still love her that much. so much so that I'm willing to continue being her friend even if you all don't. She's still a good person on the inside. Just a little lost and confused and she needs your love and support... as do I.
I think I've said enough for another year or so. I you wish to talk to me, feel free.