now all the days of begging, the days of theft

Apr 28, 2010 18:23

Look what I got!


...Click for Misha hotness via TwitPic!

ASKL;AF;KASDFJ;ASJK;DFH;JK *DROOLS A LOT* And then you click for full size and Misha is gigantic *snorts* and detailed!

He is so gorgeous! How so awesome, Misha? How so awesome? I enjoy the scruff! And his hair is getting spiky/feathery like it was in the beginning of S4. Hand porn and stuff in this month. Guh. I LOVE MISHA.

eye candy, madly in love, tease!, tv: supernatural, pics, things that are awesome, real football, spanish, i love this so hard, fangirling, tv: univision, it's the final countdown!!1!1one, links, soccer, i enjoy this immensely, mundial, i heart misha collins!, celeb crushes, yummy!, twitter, jazz, how are you so awesome?!, sexy!, 2010

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