The Demon Hand

Feb 26, 2008 09:49

Edit: I decided to move the Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles review to a separate post so it's not friends-locked...

So last night's episode was especially good I thought. We got a lot of stuff for Cameron, which was awesome. Aviators, motorcycles, police uniforms, ballet dancing and the speaking Russian and all. Summer Glau is just amazing(-ly hot!). Loved her interactions with Derek (also hot!), and the whole stilted breakfast thing. Glad she shut him up with eating the pancake. And y'all know that I hate Sarah, but I liked that she hasn't yet been convinced to get rid of Cameron and that she made Derek sit at the table with Cameron for breakfast.

Also, kind of loved how all the people that were there when the terminators came after Sarah and John in the mental institution believe. I especially liked that Dr. Silverman, he was all kinds of great.

Thank God for Fox On Demand or whatever they called the streaming online episodes. I know I saw it last night, but I didn't follow a single word of Sarah's closing narration. I never do. I hate her voice, most of the time. Anywho, it kind of wasn't all bullshit this time, way to go Sarah!...basically what she said being human is flaws and weaknesses, and the machines are too perfect. But if they ever learn how to do the thing that humans do (have faith, commune with God, appreciate beauty and create art) they wouldn't have to destroy humanity because they will have become human. Which coupled with the FANTASTIC closing scene of Cameron dancing 'alone' in her room would imply that Cameron is capable of do all those things and becoming human (not that she would physically become human, but according to Sarah, one's physically state doesn't come into play in the list of things humans do that make them human.

Speaking of the FANTASTIC scene with dancing Cameron, I've watched it about a million time just this morning. I love Derek hearing the music and coming to investigate and watching Cameron dance. I hope there are lots of pretty icons and fic. I am loyal to John/Cameron, but I believe in multishipping like there is no tomorrow. And damnit if Derek/Cameron is just awesome and hot.

No more new T:SCC for awhile after next week's episode, I think. Boo. Next week's episode is two hours long. YAY.

multishipping, shippiness, i heart summer glau, tv: sarah connor chronicles, pairing: derek/cameron, jazz commentary

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